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Opinions of Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

When you come across someone with his beard caught on fire….

Dr Henry Lartey Dr Henry Lartey

A popular admonishing Akan proverb goes, “When you go to
find someone with his beard caught on fire, you had better
fetch water to place beside yours”. This proverb is
directed at warning people against the possibility of
suffering same ill-fate that their colleague or neighbour
might be going through at a particular moment hence the need
to sympathise with them and also to be forewarned.

Why have I decided to quote this Akan proverb today, one may
ask? The answer is not far fetched. It is all about a
statement that one Dr Henry Herbert Lartey, the Presidential
Candidate of the Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP) has
made following his disqualification from contesting
presidential election 2016 by the Chair of the Electoral
Commission, Mrs Charlotte Keeson-Osei.

On a recorded video, he says, “I now understand that the
NPP were always right behaving the way they did, towards Mrs
Charlotte Osei and the Electoral Commission when they were
always challenging some of the policies by her”. I was
always siding with the Electoral Commission against the NPP
but I have now realised that they were right. Why should the
Electoral Commission disqualify me for minor mistakes
without having the decency to call me to rectify them? How
long does it take to correct such minor mistakes”? he

“When the heat is not on you, you think the game is
easy” Now that he has been made to face the callousness of
the obstinate Charlotte Osei; personally experiencing her
dodgy plots to assist the NDC win the re-election on a
silver platter, he is now awake to his senses that the NPP
had, and always continue to, keep Charlotte Osei, on her
toes to possibly do the right thing at all times.

If the other minor opposition parties and their leaders had
seen the sense in NPP’s demand for a new voters register
but not to have castigated the NPP and her leadership, there
could have been a totally new voters register devoid of all
the multiple registrations, registrations of minors and
probably foreigners on to the electoral roll.

Those who were vociferously vehemently criticising the NPP
but supporting Charlotte Osei do today regret their selfish
and short-sighted actions after finding themselves
prematurely cut off from their dreams through their
disgraceful disqualifications.

I am sure it has not yet come to the point of, “Had I
known is always at last” to the disqualified presidential
aspirants. There is still a glimmer of hope for them in that
their final objective was, and is still; to liberate the
suffering Ghanaian masses from the economic bondage,
lawlessness, official corruption, and cluelessness in
administering Ghana if not purposeful mismanagement of Ghana
as brought to bear upon the citizens like cumulonimbus cloud
by President Mahama.

They can still achieve their aim were they to be selfless
and far-sighted but not selfish and myopic, by rallying
fully behind the NPP and its leadership to vote out
President Mahama and the NDC from power come 7 December

If the disqualified presidential candidates and their
supporters did actually mean to come to power to save Ghana
and Ghanaians from the worst government that is
unprecedentedly corrupt in the annals of Ghana’s politics,
I shall advise them to throw their unflinching support
behind NPP and Nana Akufo Addo to boot President Mahama out
of power.

Will Dr Henry Lartey miss this second opportunity I am
offering him to demonstrate to Ghanaians that he really
cares about their plight?

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Let us all
team up to foil the evil plots by Mrs Charlotte Osei.

“The evil that men do, lives after them into the grave”

To Dr Henry Lartey and the others except Hassan Ayariga and
Akua Donkor who are just political nonstarters but pure
jokers cunningly canvassing for President Mahama; do please
cogitate about the following quotation from Emperor Haile
Selassie of Ethiopia. He said, “Throughout history, it has
been the inaction of those who could have acted; the
indifference of those who should have known better; the
silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that
has made it possible for evil to triumph”

Ghana is collapsing under the weight of official corruption,
lawlessness covertly orchestrated by the government where
members of NDC can commit blue murder with impunity, with
armed robberies ravaging the country etc.

Now is the time to do something else you fail the test set
by the visionary Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. What
must you do? Simply team up with NPP to kick President
Mahama out of office to set the Ghanaian captives free from
the worst administration of the country ever witnessed in
the history of Ghana.

Rockson Adofo