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Opinions of Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Columnist: Ayuba Ahmed Muin

Where are our chiefs in the midst of our torture?

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Not long ago, the mores and prestige of Dagbang was transgressed with impunity by some reckless security personnel at the palace of Yaa Naa, the Overlord of Dagbang. This act of scorn and discourtesy was overlooked by those clothed with the authority to protect the people and the culture of the kingdom. Our chiefs who ought to have been louder in condemning the dam fool were dead silent; for it didn't happen at their palaces but the palace of Yaa Naa. What they didn't realize then was that, Yaa Naa was their father and that, if such could happen at his palace, it means the security can do anything anywhere without regard to any chief under him.

I signaled then that the King ought not to have been the one to have issued a statement condemning that act of folly and disregard for us. All our chiefs needed to have strongly condemned it on his behalf with all their might and follow same to the end but they reneged because they felt it was not all injurious to the tradition.

There's no justification whatsoever for what the security did at Changli regardless what. You don't correct wrong with wrong. Nonetheless, I have little issue with the security guys who raided the area, tortured the people and destroyed some of their properties. My biggest problem is our chiefs and their responsibilities to us. The Ghanaian Constitution recognizes and protects the office of traditional Authority but in our domain the story has always been different. Whiles others are blaming the security for not respecting our traditional leaders, I think differently.

I seldom impeach our chiefs but I think they're the reason why the security are treating us with disdain. Most of them rather than fighting for us are instead pursuing their personal interests and amassing wealth for their children at the expense of the very people they're mandated to protect.

I'm pained! But not only because innocent people were unjustifiably abused or properties destroyed but pained because of where the absurdity happened. We have three most powerful chiefs with so much authority residing in this vicinity. Nyab Gukpe-Naa, Nyab Dakpema and Nyab Boglana stay not far from where the madness happened yet those buffoons had the boldness to visit such cruelty on the people without regard to these revered chiefs.

It's time for our chiefs to now demand justice for their people. Reposition themselves and demand respect and recognition from the security. If other traditional rulers are recognized and respected, ours should not be different. Their silence on matters of this nature depicts how they are treated.