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Opinions of Sunday, 17 July 2022

Columnist: Paul Osei

Where lies the public purse, Mr. President?

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

"We must restore integrity in public life. State coffers are not spoilt for the party that wins an election but resources for the country's social and economic development. I shall protect the public purse by insisting with corresponding resources to the base of our political system and to our people in the regions and communities. We must trust the individual and collective wisdom of good sense of our people".

Those are the exact words of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo during his maiden inaugural speech in January 7, 2017. I am tempted to believe that Mr. President did not understand each word he plagiarized.

John Mahama, the former president once said in his acceptance speech that posterity will judge us all.

Indeed, the posterity has exonerated him. There is an adage that to whom much is given much is required or expected.

Ghanaians should not forget that the money President Akufo Addo has had in his administration the erstwhile Mahama administration did not receive even a quarter of it. On record, President Akufo Addo and his government have received over $500m as compared to less than $200m money John Mahama had.

Can we say that Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo can boast of one percent of John Mahama's infrastructure development? Arguably, Mahama is the best president Ghana has seen under this fourth republic in terms of infrastructure.

Nana, have you forgotten that you promised to protect the public purse? Where lies the purse? I do like to draw your attention to the advice the overlord of Asante kingdom His Majesty Otumfo Nana Osei Tutu II gave you when you visited him in his palace? Ghanaians are disappointed in you because of the abject poverty they are walloping in due to high level of your incompetency.

You used to call former president John Evans Atta Mills of blessed memory " Professor Do Little". What should this generation also call you, Mr. President?

Indeed, posterity is at work! Whatever goes round comes around. You made us know on campaign platform in Akan dialect that " Y3te Sika So, Nso 3kom De Y3n". Where is the money, Nana? Where lies the purse Mr. President? I cry when I see youthful exuberant on the street of Accra, Kumasi and across the length and breadth of the country wandering up and down.

I cried when I watched a certain unemployed nurse narrating the agony she was going through during television interview. Is this Dr. Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana? Is this General Kutu Acheampong's operation feed yourself Ghana? Nana, you have let the youths of the country down.

Mr. President, how much money did you meet when you assumed the highest office of the land? How much money have you received from international organizations and donors? What has happened that you are going to the International Monitary Fund(IMF) in order to make ends meet with all the money you have accumulated? Mr. President, you have lost the fight with your so called solid economic management team.

Ghana, the beacon of hope of Africa now slave on her own land. Ghana was indeed a land of hope. Ghana was a land of dreams. A land of treasure is now covered with a mist of sorrow. Why are we burying our honour and our esteem? Where is our pride? Where is our prestige? Where are our royalties?

Mr. President, even though you have done well in flashy programs but is that what Ghanaians want? When we want to know the state of the country, what are some of the indicators? Do we consider free senior high school when it comes to this projection? I trust that you perfectly know a country is strong when its citizenry are employed in order to cater for their families and also have access to quality education, hospitals , roads, markets just to mention a few. I am not projecting former president John Mahama over you but when it comes to infrastructure, he is topnotch.

Mr. President, Nana Addo we knew in opposition is different from Nana Addo we know now. Things are falling and the center cannot hold now. What has happened to your vice president who many Ghanaians used to call him Economic Messiah? Mr. President, I only learned economics in senior high school but the little knowledge I acquired is that we don't evaluate a policy within two months. What parameters did you use to know that Ghanaians did not patronize the Economic Transaction Levy(E-levy)? Mr. President, you have failed woefully.

You knew very well that you would be going to the International Monetary Fund ( IMF) for financial assistance but you have deliberately imposed the killer E-levy on poor Ghanaians who struggle to afford three square meals daily. Nana, I now believe that talk is cheap that is why your predecessor told you and your vice not to oppose him because you did not come near the presidency or did not know what it takes to rule a country. Once again posterity is at work.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make it great and strong.