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Opinions of Sunday, 22 November 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Whether an NDC President or NDC Traditional Chief, the Value is the Same.

Until lately, many a Ghanaian knew or thought that His Excellency John Dramani Mahama is/was the President of Ghana and for every Ghanaian. However, from the horse's own neighing but not mouth, he has declared that he is the President of NDC and for NDC people because without their votes, he would never have become the President of Ghana.

One now understands why he behaves the way he is seen to behave; purely nepotistic, tribalist, selective in appointing Government Ministers, lopsidedly awarding government contracts to his kin and kith etc.

Hang on a second, even here, does he treat all NDC members fairly equally in his biased distribution of Ghana's wealth to enrich the NDC members? No! While a few among them get richer, the majority of them are worse off than "asoredan mu akura" (Church mouse) yet they follow him with all their heart, mind and soul like a headless chicken. What a bunch of brainwashed people who cannot open up their eyes and minds to see and understand the realities of things as prevail in the socio-politico-economic landscape.

The President loves to collect taxes from all working Ghanaians but distributes them only to his NDC people. The President loves to take every pesewa of revenue coming from all the ten regions but prefers to leave some of the regions out, especially the Ashanti region, when it comes to distributing the national cake because the majority of the people there do not belong to NDC.

As the President portrays himself as not a unifier but a divisive selfish individual insatiably adhering to the principle of divide and rule to subjugate his perceived political and tribal opponents or enemies, so are his like-minded traditional chiefs.

There are some "yen ntie obiaa" NDC chiefs in Ghana. Like their friend the President, almost all of these chiefs are pursuing their selfish interests at the great danger to, or at the expense of, the inhabitants of their traditional divisional areas.

These chiefs although are constitutionally by the Chieftaincy Act barred from engaging in active or subliminal politics, for the sake of their stomach and the fact of living affluent lives they have become NDC activists or sympathisers. Are these not the chiefs who accept luxury cars from John Mahama as gifts to influence their votes? Are most of them not found in the Ashanti region? But is Ashanti region not of least importance to their friend the President when it comes to the infrastructural development of the country?

When Ashanti region was used as a guinea pig for the NHIS Capitation pilot scheme which lasted almost three years instead of a proposed six-month period in the wake of which many patients died from preventable diseases and illness, our Ashanti chiefs, the very "yen ntie obiaa" buddies of the NDC President kept mute.

As long as they can have their palms glue-padded with Cedi or dollar bills, or are given luxury cars, what else do they care about? Nothing! All their subjects can die the next morning for all they care.

Such is the nature and character of NDC President and NDC chiefs – the value is the same. What a shame! Are Ghanaians happy with such leaderships?

Si le Président NDC ou le Chef Traditionnel NDC, la Valeur est le Même.

Rockson Adofo