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Opinions of Monday, 28 November 2011

Columnist: The Informer

Which NDC Cowards Are Saying Akufo-Addo & NPP ....


Which NDC Cowards Are Saying Akufo-Addo & NPP
Should Be Allowed To Continue With Their Nonsensical Talk?

Honestly, it hurts our heart to see and hear that there are some cowards who are walking around claiming to be members of the NDC.

What even hurts us the more is the fact that, some of these “ball-less” cowards are full-blown ministers of state.

We cannot believe what we are hearing that there is a particular minister who is calling NDC communicators and telling them to “tone down” on Akufo-Addo and the NPP. Gee!!!

When the NDC foot-soldiers are getting despondent by the day because Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP are being allowed to get away with their nonsense, this minister of state thinks that it is wrong for Akufo-Addo to be told that he will not be allowed to unleash mayhem on the country? Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!
Does this coward-of-a-Minster know the extent to which the party base has been energised as a result of the strong warning fired at Akufo-Addo and the NPP?
Does this coward-of-a-Minster have his ears on the side of the NDC? Or his ears are buried in the belly of the elephant?
We don’t blame this minster because; he does not know how the 2008 election was won.
When the likes of Candidate Atta Mills, General Mosquito, Yaw Gyan, Ama Benyiwa Doe, Elvis Afriyie-Ankrah, Fiifi Kwetey, Koby Akyeampong, Koku Anyidoho, Nii Lantey Vanderpuje, Rojo Mettle Nunoo, Baba Jamal, KojoTwum-Boafo, The Ghanaian Lens, The Informer, Catalyst, Palaver, Daily Post, Daily Democrat, and others were in the trenches, fighting the war, this minster was only interested in winning his seat and so did not know how the war was fought.
Indeed, people like him did not believe that Candidate Atta Mills will win the election and so spent all their time campaigning for themselves and not campaigning for the NDC Party.
Stories abound of people like this minister, who printed T-shirts for themselves and did not print any T-shirt for Candidate Atta Mills.
We know of people like this minster, who did not paste a single poster of Candidate Atta Mills in their constituencies.
Indeed, some are on record to have told their constituents to vote for them as MPs and vote for Akufo-Addo as President.
That is the extent to which people like the coward Minister went, in order for Candidate Atta Mills not to become President.
Somehow, and for reasons of balancing certain equations, people like the Minister in question, had to become a Minister.
Another election is coming up, and when the “war machinery” that won the 2008 election is back in motion to ensure that Akufo-Addo and the NPP do not get away with their attempt to burn the country, this coward Minister is now going all over the place condemning the people who are fighting to keep this nation intact.
How dare this coward of a Minister, condemn the likes of Elvis, Fiifi, Koby, KojoTwum-Boafo, Koku Anyidoho, Yaw Gyan, and co for talking tough?
How dare this coward-of-a-Minister condemn the up-coming warriors like Felix Ofosu-Kwakye and Peter Otokunor?
How dare this coward-of-a-Minister condemn the likes of Koby Fiagbe, Mike Dorkorsi, Ahaji Bature, Andy Kankam, Desmond Darko, Winson Adotey and co for taking the fight to the NPP?
If this coward-of-a-Minster is a man with balls, he should dare come out in the open and condemn those who are fighting the war, if only he can bear what will happen to him.
This coward Minister should stop hiding behind phone calls and come out openly to condemn those who are talking tough and letting Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP know that the laws of the land will deal decisively with them, if they dare make a wrong move.
We are sick and tired of NDC functionaries who are quick to run to the support of the NPP instead of running to the support of the party that is ‘feeding’ them.
What is even more annoying is when this coward “Mogabe” Minister wants to go back to Parliament on the ticket of the NDC.
Yes; he wants to go back to Parliament after so many years in Parliament on the ticket of the NDC, yet he is condemning the NDC warriors who are fighting to keep the party in power, as well as preventing Ghana from burning.
If Akufo-Addo is allowed to burn Ghana, will this coward “Mogabe” MP have the opportunity to go back to Parliament?
Honestly, we are restraining ourselves; otherwise we would have mentioned names for the NDC foot-soldiers to deal drastically with the cowards in our midst who are quick to sell members of the NDC to the NPP.
And as for some “Johnny Just Comes” (JJCs), who think that they can jump the queue and become the most relevant persons in the political equation of the NDC, they better watch out.
We are getting sick and tired of JJCs who think they can re-invent wheels that have already been invented to feed their oversized egos.
This is not a time for senseless turf wars; this is a time to close ranks and wage a concerted war against the evil machinations of Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP.
This is not a time to get surrogates to be calling for the dismissal of colleagues; this is a time to make sure that we work tirelessly as a united army and ensure that we “crush” the enemies, come next year.
Let nobody allow his/her inordinate blinded ambition to derail the collective effort. Indeed, any such attempt will not work!
Today, we will not mention names, but if the JJCs dare continue with their agenda of destroying and undermining their senior colleagues, we shall name and shame them.
We are ready for “war” with the NPP and true cadres and foot-soldiers of the NDC will not allow any cowards and egoistic characters to stop His Excellency President Atta Mills and his brave-hearts from leading the great NDC Party to another victory over Akufo-Addo and his nation-wrecking cum property-stealing Narcotics Peddlers Party.
We have served notice so let anybody dare make a wrong move and they will seriously regret it!
Long Live an NDC Party which is united for victory!!!!