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Opinions of Monday, 7 November 2011

Columnist: Yarfi, Ernest

‘Whites Only’—A Dirty Slap in the Face.

Upon reading the story about the ‘Whites Only’ case in Ghana from, it sounded simply unbelievable until I listen to myjoyonline hoping that my disbelief will be affirmed. However, it was even more shocking to hear that such as blatant racist restaurant exist in Ghana. Many Ghanaians in the diaspora are extremely offended by this incident and even more so, by government’s ‘reason’ behind its closure.

As the gateway to Africa, Ghana opens her doors to the rest of the world. The influx of foreigners into Ghana, apart from contributing to her own economic development, serves as a home as well. Ghana is the base for the two historical castle that is so enrich with important history about slavery-The Cape Coast and Elmina Castles. It is noteworthy that the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, took time of his schedule to visit these important castles.
Many foreigners who have the opportunity to do business in Ghana share heartwarming sentiments about the people. Moreover, Ghana’s political stability since 1992 has paved the way for a smoother environment for foreign national. As a growing economy, she enjoys from the wealth that tourism brings.
The fact that Ghanaians are welcoming doesn’t mean that our leniency can be substituted for our weakness. To own a business on Ghana soil and serve ‘whites only’ is simple unacceptable. Ghanaians who live in foreign land suffer enough racist abuse, and it becomes even more unbearable to hear such news on home soil.
This is not only a wake up call the government to pay serious attention to foreign business owners who take advantage of weak government regulations to exploit locals, but also to pay attention to the shameful whites who patronized this restaurants, and didn’t have any shame nor decency to criticize the owner.
I congratulate the government for their action but totally disagree with the ‘reason’ behind the closure. Ghanaweb reported that the reason was not because of the racist statement to the black woman but because the restaurant had violated the safety conditions of the Ghana Standard Board. The reason should have been “Because of your insensitive disrespect to Black race and the beautiful people of Ghana, your immediate closure is compounded with a 24 hrs period to leave the country”
I think that the investigation will only allow these people to breathe some more relaxing Ghanaian air. Afterall the sign ‘Whites Only’ is enough evidence. Both Marco Ranaldi and Salvatore D’azeo should have their entry visas to Ghana and business documents investigated to prevent any such incident from happening in then future. On top of that, as stated above, they MUST leave the country to their native country Italy.
I also want to congratulate Elizabeth Okuro for voicing out and creating awareness about this situation. I am very sure that she was not the first to hear such barbaric comments. My fellow Ghanaians, as we all strive to build a better Ghana both inside and outside of her border, creating awareness of societal issue is very key to solving it. Let us not keep quiet if we see obvious issues like racism. Once again to Elizabeth Okuro, me ma wo ayekoo!!!
Racism has no place in this globalized world.
Racism has no place on the African continent
Racism has no place in Ghana.
God bless our homeland Ghana!!

Ernest Yarfi ([email protected])
Graduate School,
Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey