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Opinions of Sunday, 18 October 2009

Columnist: Agbozo, Enoch Immanuel A.

Whither Ghana!

Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

In a recent article, we wrote calling upon GHANA TO HAVE HOPE IN GOD!!

In this article, we want to assure Ghanaians that GHANA, beloved BEULAH, chosen, redeemed and married by the Almighty God of Hosts is SAFE, SECURE and will surely PROGRESS and PROSPER in the hand of Jehovah, the Living God, Father of Jesus Christ, the King of Glory. Soon Ghana will be acknowledged and honoured by the whole world as the NATION and PEOPLE of God Kingdom Glory on earth, Star of Africa.

In saying this, we are aware of the sighing and crying of many a saint, many a Ghanaian in fact of the unstable, trying and incomprehensible state of affairs of the country to-day. Many people are no more sure and confident about the present state and future of the country.

For example, while the market place – goods and services, commerce and industry, banking and finance – is clearly depicting tension, pain and suffering in the land, government is yet to give any clear evidence of proper and adequate grappling with the situation. Meanwhile, the political parties in the land are engaged in heated debates and struggles for winning and holding power. Parliament on the other hand does not seem to be ready as representatives of the people to echo the pains and frustrations of the people in open debate and concrete suggestions and measures towards the alleviation of the situation.

It is apparent that the government of the day, Parliament and the leadership of the political parties are on the whole at their wits end as to the way out of the failing fortunes and challenges of the hour. It is here that we stand as Minister of Christ and Servant of the Most High God to assure Ghanaians again that GOD HAS NOT FORSAKEN and will NOT FORSAKE THE NATION. That, He who redeemed and brought nation and people to the threshold of glory will not hand over the nation to the wicked, disloyal and non-patriots who are doing their all to turn the clock back and turn Ghana away from THE PROMISED PLACE and DESTINY as God-chosen, sought out nation and people made Holy unto Himself (Isaiah 62). The Lord has heard the cries of His people. HE WILL DEFEND HIS NAME and GLORY upon Ghana, Beulah Land.

Let all that know and trust God be silent and continue to pray fervently for the country. Soon deliverance shall come out of Zion. “But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall posses their possessions.” (Obadiah 1: 17 NKJ)

In this regard, we want to declare by way of emphasis that “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance.” (Ps. 33: 12 NKJ). That Satan and man cannot save Ghana. That the spirit and power of ghosts and the dead cannot save Ghana. That neither Nkrumah nor Danquah, neither any dead ancestor nor deity can save Ghana. That the spirit, power and wisdom of the living cannot save Ghana, much more take Ghana from the hand of the Most High and divert the destiny of Ghana as chosen, sought out nation, redeemed, married and made Holy unto God. The Bible says in this regard; “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain”. (Ps. 127: 1 NKV)

The redemption and destiny of Ghana is not with human philosophies and bankrupt political ideologies. In any case, good governance is neutral to ideologies and forms of government. It is also not dependent upon the savvy of politicians nor neo-imperialist agencies and foreign donors. It requires the acknowledgement, honour and observance of the counsel and hand of God. The day of David will soon arrive. Hallelujah!!

Blessed be the God of Ghana! Amen and Amen!!

October 12, 2009