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Opinions of Saturday, 24 August 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Who Can Predict the Supreme Court’s Verdict ?

? Whatever comments, arguments, for and against any party involved in Election 2012 suit from today until the Supreme Court Lords pronounce their verdict will be of no use. It will make no difference in a decision which may have already been taken or arrived at, by the nine-member panel of noble Supreme Court Justices.

? No matter how sound and credible one puts up a belated argument intended to influence the direction of the case, it will be to no avail. They may have already decided the direction of judgment.

? However, many a rational Ghanaian that watched the court proceedings live on airwaves could predict the outcome of the case with certainty. Going by what the NDC family initially mocked as insubstantial "Dr Pink Sheets" evidence, the demeanour of the Chief-witnesses at cross-examinations and the clarification responses by the Lead Counsels for the litigating parties to questions put to them by the judges on 14 August 2013, one can by 80% probability predict the correct outcome of the case.

? Out of all these people, there is one who can with 100% certainty tell you the results. Who is he, you may inquire? He is none other than one Kofi Basoah to whom God has revealed the winner of the case. Have I not made the winner known to you throughout my publications? I think I have.

? There will be peace in the land contrary to the fears of, and predictions by, the American government and other Ghanaians. Why would there be mayhem if the Court’s pronounce a judgment based on the truth of evidences before them without distortions. Contortions of the evidence occasioned by favouritism, employment of spurious case laws as were sought by Lead Counsel Tsatsu Tsikata, "Mr alias Quote Quote the Real Quote", could ignite the fire. I am sure the judges have tried to avoid such a scenario by strictly focusing on delivering a verdict based on the credibility of evidences made available to them by both the petitioners and respondents.

? I am getting my clothes ready to celebrate the Supreme Court verdict. It will be a verdict that will forever deter the abuse of political incumbency in Ghana and on Continental Africa. It will curtail or remove completely the situation where governments and certain powerful individuals gang up with others to embezzle public funds with impunity. A case in point is Alfred Agbesi Woyome colluding with the NDC government to swindle Ghana of GHC51.2 Million.

? On your marks, get set, go and arrest all those that may decide to run away with their stolen wealth abroad as soon as the baton of Election 2012 presidential winner changes hand on Thursday, 29 August 2013. Thursdays are memorable to the NPP family. Who can tell me why? History will be made on Thursday 29 August 2013 in favour of the NPP. That cyclical history in favour of the Dombo/Danquah/Busia tradition will repeat itself. This is the Will of God as affirmed in dreams to Kofi Basoah.

? I have nothing more to write on this particular Court case because I have exhausted my strengthen telling you all that you need to know. For any further information, please do refer to my published articles. Go through them as you would leaf through the Bible for solutions to your problems. Every answer to your question on presidential Election 2012 will be found in my publications.

? I dedicate this write-up to all Kumawuman citizens wherever they may be. They will have a double portion of the joy God will visit on Ghana this month (August 2013). They will be assured of their chosen paramount chief from the proper Kumawuman royal family (Ananangya) on Thursday, 22 August 2013 and their God-ordained President of the Republic of Ghana on Thursday, 29 August 2013. Lucky guys! Ain’t they? I prefer ain’t to aren’t’, just for today and for a reason. The dedication also goes to my departed parents, siblings and relatives. I salute all the people of Asiampa, both deceased and alive.

? Mr Amoah, alias J.J. from Asante-Juaben but resident in London, this goes for you. All the fans of Rocky, especially the one in Italy, I say, have some fun and be ready to celebrate the mentioned Thursdays with me.

? What about the Ghanaians living in France who are often left out in big Ghanaian events? I do not often hear them mentioned on airwaves when it comes to issues relating to Ghana. I have not forgotten you. I will from today forward popularise you through my written articles for publishing. You are equally human beings as those in the US and UK.

? Would you please tune in to Sources radio UK FM 96.3, WBLS FM 96.5 and Naspa radio for updates on all issues about Ghana, especially Election 2012? You can get them online on the internet. ? ? Rockson Adofo ?