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Opinions of Monday, 5 May 2014

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

Who Is More Rebellious Than Rawlings, Mr. Quarshigah?

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Until scarcely two years ago, he was the Propaganda Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). And we all know how roguish and knavish the NDC propagandists are: Fiifi Kwetey and Solomon Nkansah.... Do any of these names ring a bell? Or beat a drum, I should say? And just what sound quality do they symbolize or represent? The fact of the matter is that the moral credibility of Mr. Richard Quarshigah is not worth a pesewa, let alone our fast-depreciating cedi.

And so when the NDC-MP for Keta labels Messrs. Paul Afoko and Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, newly elected National Chairman and General-Secretary of Ghana's main opposition New Patriotic Party, respectively, as pathologically vindictive personalities, you can rest assured that Mr. Quarshigah is simply being visceral and speaking out of great fear of what lies ahead for the key operatives of the country's bloodiest political organization (See "Vindictive Afoko, Agyapong Will Cause NPP's Downfall" / 4/15/14).

Who has so soon forgotten the fact of the founding patriarch of the NDC's signing of the first copy of his party's constitution with his own blood? I mean, Dracula is the veritable founder of the so-called National Democratic Congress! And whoever said that Dracula was the most concilliatory of monsterous critters in the world? And just why was Ghana's Fourth-Republican Constitution effectively hobbled by Indemnity Clauses? And just what kind of democratic constitution condones wanton and unconscionable acts of criminality?

What I am simply trying to point out here is that of all the Ghanaian citizens most qualified to instruct the rest of us on ethical conduct and deportment, people like Mr. Quarshigah are the least invested with any moral capital worthy of our consideration. And so, really, what is it that this incurably cynical Keta Schoolboy would have the rest of us associate with the newly elected scribe of the New Patriotic Party in the lead-up to Election 2016?

That Mr. Agyepong ought to be composing and singing the praises of former President Jeremiah John Rawlings for having so criminally and dastardly orchestrated the brutal murder/assassination of Justice Agyepong, Kwabena Agyepong's father, and then popping cartons of champagne to rapturously celebrate the same with the Trokosi Mafia and their lone Akan conjugal accomplice?

Well, I have news for you, Mr. Quarshigah. You asked for it; and I wouldn't be half the man that my parents and grandparents raised me to be, if I did not promptly provide you with the same. I was in Ghana and at Prempeh College with Mr. Agyepong and his younger brother when Togbui Avaklasu I, your sacrosanct demi-god, savagely orchestrated that dastardly and most abominable deed in the name of revolutionary justice.

I am not sure how old you were then, or whether you were even born. I don't blame you for grossly speaking out of turn, and then out of crass and abject ignorance - and arrogance. Well, for your information, Justice Agyepong was summarily executed, Mafia-style, together with two of his colleagues on June 30, 1982, and not 1979, as you so fatuously claim. I also don't know what business you have pretending to be other than a card-board miniature model of a National Assembly representative. I am also glad that I don't have to live in Ghana to breathe in the sort of ungovernable filth that you rhetorically squirt almost on a daily basis.

Well, I also don't know why you seem to believe that Chairman Paul Afoko ought to be salaaming you and your kind for being immured and tortured as a result of him gallantly standing up to bullies and tyrants like Mr. Rawlings. But I guess in the scandal-ridden world in which you live, might and mendacity are fair game. I must, however, in spite of myself, laud you for the sort of arrogance - no, plain hubris - that makes you suppose that you can, somehow, determine for us the breed of leadership who ought to be managing the affairs of the New Patriotic Party.... What chutzpah!

*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.
Department of English
Nassau Community College of SUNY
Garden City, New York
April 15, 2014
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