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Opinions of Monday, 11 August 2008

Columnist: Pipim, Gabriel Adansi

Who Is The Real Mac Manu?

The leadership of political parties should be circumspect, above reproach and above board.

In cases where there is a shadow over the character or background of the leadership it provides opportunity for opponents of the party to cause mischief. We must ask ourselves if this is what we want in the NPP.

For years rumors have circulated that Peter Mac Manu, National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party has a felony criminal record in the United States. I have searched far and wide and just last week I came across a posting on Ghanawebs SIL that claimed to have unearthed felony criminal records on Peter Mac Manu within the U.S. Federal Court system.

Following up on this lead I have researched and discovered that there is indeed a record for a "Peter Mac Manu". A search of the "PACER" federal records database will unearth these same records summary.

Please see the links below for PACER website and also for copies of records on Peter Mac Manu.

Articles on Ghana Web SIL Forum

Copy Of Criminal Records

PACER federal Records Website

A lot of us have invested in the NPP in cash and in kind. We want to know that we are not wasting our time. We want to know that we are not as our opponents often say a party of criminals.

We want an assurance from the NPP leadership that our national party chairman, Peter Mac Manu, National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party is not the same Peter Mac Manu that is named in these records. My previous attempts to get this assurance "in house" have been met with delays and diversions. My only choice now was to go public as time is running out. Please let us know the truth. Is this the same Peter Mac Manu or not?

Respectfully yours,

Gabriel Adansi Pipim

[email protected]

Elizabeth, New Jersey