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Opinions of Friday, 5 June 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Who Says Akufo-Addo Understands Economics?

The day after Akufo-Addo got “high” on some illegal substance and decided to make a clown of himself by dropping certain figures that don’t make sense, I heard some wee-choked and cocaine-filled elephants saying that Akufo-Addo is an astute economist and so knows what he was talking about.

As much as uncle JB knows it for a fact that Akufo-Addo is not an economist, what really got me laughing is the statement that dropped from the lips of one of the elephants that, Akufo-Addo got a first class in Economics at Legon.

It is a fact that Akufo-Addo studied Economics for his first degree, but it is also a fact that he got a very bad third class.

Yes, Akufo-Addo got a very bad third class in Economics.

The records are at Legon and so if anybody thinks that uncle JB is lying, you can go to Legon and check for yourself and you will realise that I am not lying.

The man is a blockhead and nothing can change that fact.

Indeed, in today’s parlance, Akufo-Addo, would be walking around with a pass. What we call, “gyi ko didi”.

That is how much of a low-brained character Akufo-Addo is.

Of course, when it comes to his law degree, we all know that there are lots of question marks surrounding.

In the run-up to the election, Akufo-Addo’s questionable law degree became a subject of debate and he was never able to defend himself.

It is a fact that at the time that Akufo-Addo returned from London to do the professional law course in Ghana, his father was the President of the Republic and info has it that his father used his high office to get Akufo-Addo into the Law School.

Yes, Akufo-Addo’s father used his high office to get his son admitted into the Law School, and that is how Akufo-Addo managed to become a lawyer.

Of course, following in the UP tradition, during the tenure of Ataa Ayi K4, so many characters got their law degrees through the backdoor.

At least we know of Gabby Otchere-Darko and how he got his law certificate.

So when people try pan Akufo-Addo out as an intelligent and brilliant person, I just laugh.

Akufo-Addo, is a dead-ender and is not brilliant by any stretch of the imagination.

All he does, is to role words around his tongue and pretend to be talking sense when indeed, all he talks, is trash.

Honestly, I am just praying that the elephants will re-elect Akufo-Addo as their Leader because once that happens, President Atta Mills will get a second term without campaigning.

Akufo-Addo does not understand economics hence the mess he made of himself churning out incoherent numbers.

If Akufo-Addo understands any form of economics, it will be the kind of economics that has to do with calculating the intake of cocaine, calculating the intake of wee, calculating the extent to which diplomatic passports can facilitate the business of drug barons, calculating the extent to which the seized assets of drug barons must be diconfiscated, as well as the extent to which Ghanaians convicted abroad for trafficking in drugs must be rewarded with a return to Ghana to serve their time.

Akufo-Addo the junkie does not know jackshit about economics and that is a fact!!!

By the way, have you heard that Akufo-Addo run away from town immediately after he made a clown of himself?

Akufo-Addo; just like the elephant, is an animal meant for the circus.

Nana Biakoye