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Opinions of Sunday, 14 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Who is Anita De Sousou from the NDC to insult…..?

Many tongues are wagging, enquiring who Anita De Sousou is. It has come to the attention of the Wise One from Kumawu/Asiampa that the said Anita de Sousou, an iron-cast NDC apologist, has questioned the integrity of Ghanaian men and women residing in the United Kingdom.

This ignoble woman, who is claimed to be the National Women's Organizer of the NDC, has insulted those of us Ghanaians that attended the gargantuan DEMO on Friday 12 April 2013 in London. She seemed to say we are useless jobless men and women living off the sympathetic welfare system of the British government. Simply put, she calls us benefit scroungers. She queried if we were in jobs, would we have had time to attend the demonstration in such a huge number on a Friday, a weekday of course, when all workers are required to be at work.

In an attempt to rubbish the Demo, insult and belittle the participants, she ended up proving how grossly ignorant, shallow-minded and useless she is in her post. It is only in the NDC party and government that any hugely unlettered person doubling as foul-mouthed, of the kind of Anita de Sousou, could be elected the party's National Women's Organizer. She is not broadly read. However, she has that shameless audacity to talk about, and explain, a system she is completely clueless.

Let me take a few minutes to educate this useless woman who is as corrupt, lawless, incompetent, and mediocre and bastardised as most of her NDC colleagues. She can verify from the Ghana High Commissioner, Professor Kwaku Danso-Boafo, how the system works over here with regard to workers. There are some companies that operate on shift pattern - Day and Night shifts. A night worker could have the daytime to him or herself to participate in whichever activity they like after or before catching some sleep.

Moreover, some workers have their off days on weekdays instead of weekends, unlike as pertains principally in Ghana where almost all workers are off on weekends. Even in Ghana, in those heydays, some workers I knew of did attend night shift work in Tema. The weekday off days fall on any of the days from Monday to Friday.

Furthermore, one can request an off day from his or her employers any day during the week after giving the employer ample notice and good reason for your request. Is it any wonder that many people attended the demonstration so well advertised by radio stations and internet columnists of whom Rockson Adofo is renowned?

I think Anita de Sousou is gradually going mental ever since she was weaned off her trade for which her father supposedly disowned her. Is she not the same woman who not long ago was engaged in an on-air altercation with one Hopeson Adorye? Was she not alleged to be a human butterfly jumping from flower to flower sucking the flower nectar? Was she not selling her body and oftentimes selling her services on credit to men of all sorts at Adum in Kumasi? Was she not plying the streets of Adum as a hooker, alleges Hopeson Adorye? I listened to them live on air trading insults and accusations at each other.

What a disgrace Anita de Sousou is to womanhood. She should mind her words when she aims at taking "burgers" on, especially, those of us residing in England, the land of the Wise. Does this stupid woman expect us to sit on the fence, mouth agape, drivelling, twirling the fingers while the White donors throw their hard currency at us only to be embezzled by the likes of Anita de Sousou, John Mahama, Asiedu Nketiah and Koku Anyidohu? She must be mad if that was her motivating view for casting aspersion on the Ghanaian Londoners that partook the demonstration .

Is it worth at all spending my precious time educating this lowlife called Anita de Sousou? No! Then I have stopped only to wish that Maame B. Sorkode took her on, dragging her to the cleaners to be washed clean of her dirt and foul-filled mouth. This is just a warning to her before she is released to the London women to flay her alive with gargantuan insults.

The overwhelming success of the DEMO has sent a cold chill down the spine of the NDC. A warning has been sent to them. The warning is vibrating in the camp of the NDC and sending echoes throughout the mountains and valleys of Ghana until Kumawu and Abotanso.

An elephant destroying John Mahama's 2012 campaign billboard in the Ghanaian village of Bagli in the Laura Nandom area on Friday April 12, 2013 is a bad omen for President Mahama and the NDC. They are already defeated in the electoral fraud suit pending in the Supreme Court. This has been foretold by GOD through His servants like Kofi Basoah of Asante-Juaben, Prophet Owusu Bempah, a woman in Kumawu and numerous other dreamers, prophets, prophetesses, Alhajis, Imams and Sheiks in Ghana.


Anita de Sousou dum soooo. Yaa Mahama

Anita de Sousou efie te sen? Nkonfem nkoaa!

Rockson Adofo