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Opinions of Sunday, 8 October 2023

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Who is destroying NPP?

The NPP flag The NPP flag

Who is destroying NPP? No, I should have reframed the question this way, who is collapsing NPP? Is it he who is telling the truth, calling out NPP and its leaders, or he who is shielding NPP and her leaders, despite any of their wrongdoings or nonchalance about whatever transpires within the party?

For the frankness by Kennedy Agyapong (Hon.), seeking to correct NPP and get the party and her leaders on to a correct or sound footing, many an NPP member sees him as collapsing the party.

Can a house built on a weaker foundation last? Can NPP built on lies, corruption, and abuse of its principles by its steering committee, thus, leaders, withstand the blowing election hurricane? To the best of my mind, the answer is a BIG NO!

It is Kennedy who seeks the best interests of NPP, Ghana and the citizens of Ghana.

Any honest person never feels at ease when many of his family members, party members, countrymen, etc., are engaged in nefarious activities detrimental to the progress of the family, the party, or the country.

Darkness and light cannot live together simultaneously, but one chasing out the other.

Kennedy as the light is trying to salvage the image of the party by making it strong, trying to get the evils militating against the good name and image of the party out. However, the dark elements within the party in their struggle to take over the party for their selfish and parochial interests, see Kennedy as a threat that had better be gotten rid of.

Look at how Singapore from ashes or nothing, has become an enviously highly developed nation. Was it not all because of its leader’s qualities of honesty, pragmatism, and meritocracy? Was it not again about the leader’s adherence to the laws of the land and strict enforcement of the obedience to the laws by the citizens of the country?

Singapore has developed because of the vision, honesty, enforcement of the laws, pragmatism, and belief of meritocracy by its Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, now deceased. He is credited with being the founding father of the modern Singaporean state.

His personal qualities which were, and continue to be, enforced, have helped to build his party and the state, therefore the Singaporeans crediting him with the success of their country.

Similarly, we need somebody who does not only believe in same qualities but possesses them and demonstrates them in his daily life to come and rule Ghana.

Out of the four candidates contesting for the NPP flag bearer position, none of them does exhibit the qualities of Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew much better than Kennedy Agyapong.

Ghana cannot continue to wobble in stagnation on weaker pivots of corruption, non-transparency, and non-accountability as are in perpetration and perpetuation by our politicians across both political divides – NPP and NDC.

It is about time we got a saviour in the person of Kennedy Agyapong, a visionary, honest, fair, firm and dedicated to the service of his country and countrymen, to come and lead the country out of her socio-economic doldrums into the glittering economic paradise on earth.

The NPP delegates should please not let this once an opportunity of lifetime to save Ghana from the corrupt ping pong politics hinged on an 8-year cyclical rotation between NPP and NDC pass them by. They must please go to the polls on 4 November 2023, to elect Kennedy Agyapong as the flag bearer-cum-presidential-candidate for NPP going into election 2024.

Many a Ghanaian electorate is looking forward to vote for Kennedy. They are moved by his visions, honesty, incorruptibility, fairness, firmness, and kindness to have resolutely determined to vote for him.

NPP delegates, please don’t let most Ghanaians down. Vote for Kennedy. He holds the key to unlock the heaven’s gate of prosperity to shower them upon Ghana and her citizens.

Much as I like Dr Bawumia, the current situation in Ghana demands someone who is strict and has demonstrated the qualities of honesty, fairness, vision, incorruptibility, and kindness in him to come to save Ghana from further downward slip.

NPP delegates, please don’t let any bribe induce you to vote for the candidate in whose name you are being offered the bribe, if there is anything of the sort happening. Vote for the person who has the means to help you, your family, and the whole country.

How far will Ghc1,000.00 last you?

Please don’t be like Esau who out of momentary hunger, sold his birthright to Jacob, only to regret later.

“Genesis 25:29-34. 29 Once when Jacob was cooking stew, Esau came in from the field, and he was exhausted. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, “Let me eat some of that red stew, for I am exhausted!” (Therefore, his name was called Edom.[a]) 31 Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright now.” 32 Esau said, “I am about to die; of what use is a birthright to me?” 33 Jacob said, “Swear to me now.” So, he swore to him and sold his birthright to Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and lentil stew, and he ate and drank and rose and went his way. Thus, Esau despised his birthright”.

Ghana first!

More to come from the author, the proud, fearless, and no-nonsense son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil.