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Opinions of Monday, 3 August 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Who is this Akua Donkor in Ghana Politics?

Has Ghana indeed become a nation of jokers where an absolute illiterate who has as well not schooled herself to talk sensibly in public is accorded the prominence to air her views on TV and on radio as a possible presidential aspirant? In the present Ghanaian body politic, undue recognition and pampering is given to those who are actually clueless and incompetent, but have corruptly acquired immense wealth.

One Madam Akua Donkor, the founder and leader of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP), is by her actions and pronouncements, a blemish on the country's entire political dispensation. She lacks not only formal education but also, the ability to foresee the dastardly consequences of her pronouncements. Illiteracy although is a disease, most illiterates have wisdom but this gift seems to have evaded Madam Akua Donkor.

She is seemingly being manipulated by the NDC, especially President Mahama, to run both Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP down. One can hardly understand why she has cultivated that degree of unreasonable hatred towards Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP in spite of the obvious failures, perpetration of unprecedented corruption and conspicuous exhibition of incompetence by both the NDC and President Mahama.

Is Akua Donkor normal at all, one may ask? Is she happy about how President Mahama is mismanaging the affairs of the country? Is she not only concerned about what she will get being President Mahama's puppet who is directly or indirectly tasked to persistently slander Nana Akufo Addo and the NPP? Is she not on a collusive mission with NDC to ensure the defeat of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo come Election 2016?

Whatever she does along with her likeminded radio programme presenters like Kwame Nkrumah Tikesie, the will of God as purposed for Ghana and Nana Akufo Addo will prevail in the end, but not their plots informed by their selfishness and insatiable greediness.

I wonder why some radio presenters feel it appropriate to give her ample air time only for her to display her utter ignorance, instead of using that time for something more beneficial to Ghana unless they are themselves walking with their stomach as Akua Donkor does.

The wages of sin is death. And the evil that men do lives after them. Today, she feels well placed or privileged to selfishly milk Ghana by doing President Mahama's dirty politicking for him, to be rewarded with joining the President's entourage wherever he goes and also to be given money or material incentives.

It is very worrying; however, I shall advise that nobody loses any sleep over her nonsensical malevolence that is fully supported by that Kwame Nkrumah Tikesie, another enemy of progress. God's purpose for the suffering masses of Ghanaians will in the end prevail no matter what Akua Donkor and her accomplices do.

Who then is Akua Donkor? She is a woman who has no principles. She has slaughtered her integrity on the altar of deception. The deliberate evils she is committing today will come back to haunt or bite her hard before she dies. This is the truth.

Rockson Adofo