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Opinions of Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Who is this Facebook Journalist from Kumawu but Residing in Maryland, USA?

Am I not indeed spending my time fruitlessly when responding to Facebook publications by a less knowledgeable, selfish and a rogue journalist? One Alexander Afriyie, the son of one Madam Eno Darkwaah, living in Hyiawu, has the shameless audacity to spew balderdash on his Facebook about Rockson Adofo, a prolific writer on the ongoing Kumawu stool dispute.

In his response to my recent rebut to his nonsensical publication about the biography of Rockson Adofo, I have been informed of him taking a refuge in his Facebook to display his complete ignorance, cowardice and silliness. He said, I have been told, "Now that Rockson Adofo has accepted all that I said about him, I will make him a kid". I find this announcement on his Facebook a trait of a coward.

I am not his Facebook friend so I have no chance of being aware of anything he says about me. If he is indeed a man, civilized enough and lives up to the ethics of his profession – journalism, he had better publish his absurd views on the most read websites.

Whenever I decide running a background check on him, friends keep on advising me not to waste time on an enemy of Kumawuman, a lowlife, and a complete nonentity who is without relevance in our search for justice for Kumawuman citizens.

I have been notified about how he bluffs and shouts down some of the Kumawu compatriots residing in USA, especially, those in Maryland. They are scared of him because he is a mouthy journalist who intimidates them into submission whenever he engages in debate or conversations with them. He has fallen on the wrong person. I will bring him to his knees if he dare joke with me. It is not my style to suffer fools kindly.

When it does happen for me to take him on, he will run, but he cannot hide. Even Asantehene and his cronies or accomplices know that I am telling nothing, but the truth. I have the evidence to prove that Asantehene has erred carrying himself about as the Overlord of Asanteman with the power to do as he wants. He is not the Overlord in the sense he portrays himself to be. I have made this clear to the world through my publications with authoritative supporting statements or evidence cited.

To help you in your quest to become a proper historian, bear in mind that the Kumawu Ankaase family members are without any matrilineal or patrilineal lineage to Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool.

Are you happy about the deplorable conditions your mum and most Kumawu inhabitants are living in, brought about by the insatiable greediness, selfishness and lack of farsightedness by Kumawuhemaa and her late brother Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II? Are you happy about how they misused Kumawuman funds for their own selfish ends? Are you happy that Asantehene who is not traditionally mandated to enstool anyone as Kumawuhene is today imposing a person he can collude with to exploit Kumawuman on us as Kumawuhene?

I will advise you to help with establishing justice for the people of Kumawuman. By your short-sighted writings, you are indirectly helping Asantehene and his accomplices to exploit the wealth of Kumawuman and by so doing, rewrite the history of Kumawuman, twisting it to suit their criminal aspirations.

Alexander, take care, brood over my publications and judge for yourself if I am causing problems in Kumawuman or rather trying to ensure the prevalence of justice in Kumawuman. If you will sit on your backside, watching while Asantehene twists the truth with intent to rob Kumawuman in broad daylight, I won't.

Ask your mum about the history of Kumawu, especially, what she knows about the Ananangyas, Odumases and the Ankaases. In any of your future publications, please do not forget to answer the questions I posed in my recent rebuttal to your very aimless publication titled, "The biography of Rockson Adofo"

Is it difficult for you to see me acknowledge the truth? If you copy from my own publications, do you want me not to tell the world that the information put out is from me but not from your own conducted research into my background? I wield the weapon of truth, I am shielded in the armour of God so be careful when dealing with me. I shall not countenance your fabrications and roguishness.

Rockson Adofo