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Opinions of Sunday, 10 January 2010

Columnist: Agyemang, Douglas P

Who is watching?

Society is greatly defined by how it nurses its unfortunate ones. Notable amongst them is the mentally challenged. With the neglect of our psychiatric hospitals and the psychiatrists by successive governments, is not surprising how our streets are inundated with such persons. It is now common to see these people heavily laden with garbage of all sort walking the streets of Accra. Sitting in public transport exposes a phenomenon I think many people have not realised. Sharply dressed men do engage themselves in acts of disorderliness that suggest mental depression. People with such challenges are never cared for and their conditions deteriorate gradually till they become unapproachable and their condition become difficult to treat. It is my suggestion that government consider as a matter of urgency, resourcing the psychiatric hospitals as well as putting in measures for training more psychiatrists to augment the work of the existing ones.

Again, serious attention should be given to compulsory morning physical exercises for students in basic schools. Institutions should also encourage workers to join keep fit clubs since a healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

Symposia should be organised regularly during state functions to sensitise Ghanaians on healthy living to prevent depression which could result in mental disorderliness.

Douglas Agyemang P Ghana Institute of Journalism Accra