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Opinions of Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Columnist: Ablordeppey, Samuel

Who will calm the stormy waters in NDC

“In the last days, nations will rise against nations, son against father and
daughter against mother, but the end is not yet come”. This is paraphrased from
the bible.
The above statement can be likened to what is happening in the camp of the
ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). But the question many are asking is
“can a house divided against itself stay standing?” The party seems to be
heading onto a collision course and somebody must step in to save the situation
before it gets out of hand.
The ‘infighting’ started when some ‘staunch’ members of the party described
President Mills’ government as a ‘team B government’. The opposition NPP, who
are ‘wild’ and seeking to win the 2012 elections, made this an issue, which
engaged public attention for weeks.

Ensuing the team ‘B’ debacle against President Mills, there have been consistent
verbal attacks on his government by some disgruntled members of the party,
especially the Rawlings’s.
The recent statement released by former President Rawlings in which he said
“Yes I have a problem with President Mills because he has failed to ‘discipline’
corrupt officials under the previous NPP administration”. His statement is ample
evidence to the effect that all is not well between the party’s founder and
President Mills.

The attacks on the President have been severe and without apparent reason. The
‘bashings’ continued to the extent that, at a meeting with senior Journalists in
the Castle gardens, Osu, a Media Practitioner asked the President if former
President Rawlings is a pain in the neck, which he answered in the negative to
signify that he respects the opinions of people and also respects divergent
But the question again really is, are the Rawlings’s trying to destroy the party
they helped to build, and what political legacy will the former first couple be
leaving for posterity if the very foundations of the party are detonated?
As if the verbal attacks aren’t enough, the former first lady in a blockbuster
style had taken the rivalry to another level which, if care is not taken, could
destroy the NDC beyond measure. And this is at a time when the founder of the
party is needed to calm the boisterous waters.
At certain points in time, an organisation needs a leader who can broker peace
for the benefit of the party and country, and such a time is now for Ex
President Rawlings to say peace be still.
First it was tittle-tattle that Nana Konadu wanted to contest President Mills
when some supporters from the Ashanti region brought a banner saying “Nana
Konadu for 2012” to a program to commemorate a June 4th celebration in the
Northern Region. Later in an interview with a local radio station she submitted
there was that possibility, but what shocked many NDC sympathisers was to wake
up on the 25th of October and see samples of Nana Konadu’s campaign posters, an
action which is, to put it bluntly, a slap in the face of the party’s
In all these, President Mills, who doubles as the leader of the party, has
remained resolute and “focused”. Though behind closed doors he might be worried
about the happenings in the party, he has chosen to keep mute over the
It is worth noting that political parties are just like football teams and
churches where the sustenance of the organisation is based on donations and
contributions from members and, for this reason, no one man should hold any such
organisation hostage for the sake of misunderstanding. It is imperative to let
the ‘owners’ (members/supporters) have the final say.
For the NDC to make an impact it is just proper and fair that the former
President Rawlings, together with the Council of State, call a truce now or risk
facing the wrath of the electorates come 2012.
A vice chair of the NDC Mr. Danny Annan in an interview said that, though
legitimate, the stance of Nana Konadu to contest President Mills is premature
and untimely for her to start campaigning against the structures of the Party.
A lot of NDC supporters have expressed varied opinions to the brouhaha ongoing
in the party and are wondering whether the NDC can stand the political test in
Be it as it may, the NDC needs a united front to face the ‘aggressive’ NPP who
are hell bent on taking advantage of the NDC’s ‘divided’ front to meander their
way through. But can that be possible under the circumstances?

And as to whether or not the NDC can retain the seat in 2012 demands that the
founder of the party, Ex President Rawlings, forgets about the so-called ‘greedy
bastards’ around the President and what is eating him up, and rally behind
President Mills to succeed. This is the only way that the great NDC party, which
he cherishes so much, can successfully sail through the raging storm.
In any case whoever wants to lead the NDC in 2012 must realise that the
yardstick to ensure victory in the next general election will depend on the
achievements of the current administration. It is therefore important that the
NDC closes its ranks and consolidates the party’s victory.
A stitch in time, they say, saves nine.
Where there is a will there is a way!

Story by: Samuel Ablordeppey
[email protected]