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Opinions of Thursday, 24 April 2014

Columnist: Center For Gay Rights International

Whom I choose to love is personal

We the members and leadership of the Center For Gay Rights International do not know about you but what you in the darkness of your room is personal and they are not shared with anybody. Again, how you sleep in your room is personal and so is whom you love.
My love for my fellow man and woman becomes personal decision. Our society should not have superintending role over who I choose to love. Ghana and the entire African continent cannot continue to deny the rights of our gay brothers because of selfish individual rights that are unguarded. No gay person has stopped anyone from enjoying his/her rights in the world and they must not either.
Whatever we do today leads us into the future. We may be ruthless to one sect of our society but tomorrow will be a different rhythm altogether. Gays must be respected and admitted without prejudice. They like us and they form part of us. All of us are one in the eyes of the creator.
By this statement, we calling on the leadership of our continent to follow the steps of South Africa into legalizing and instituting gay rights in our society so that, we will be able to reap the full and succulent benefit of a whole society.
Thank you.

Isaac Kwame Batun
+233 268629692

Amponsah Philip Addai
International Coordinator