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Opinions of Friday, 21 December 2007

Columnist: Mansa-Bonsu, Kofi Diawuo

Why Alan Cash Won't Fly

It was a classical act of monumental incompetence, that encounter between contestant Alan Kyeremateng and the Members of Parliament (MP) at La Palm Beach Hotel. That explains why most of the MPs were not concentrating on his message and often times drowned his presentation, which he laboured to do, in ugly noises for which reason brand Alan Cash had to appeal repeatedly to be heard.
The night had begun with a hilarious introduction by Hon Osei Kyei-Mensa-Bonsu MP of the candidate. The Deputy Majority Leader whom I have great respect for his usual objectivity and well-reasoned analysis of events betrayed where his real loyalty lies. I was sorely disappointed in him for he was at his sycophantic worst that night. Match the Suame legislator's introduction with the gibberish from the Odotobri MP Hon Samuel Gyamfi, an Alan lapdog and the difference becomes crystal clear. Alan Kyerematen is certainly not helping his cause by surrounding himself with the likes of Honourables Gyamfi, Ennin MP Obuasi, Naba Yaw Ofori-Kuragu MP Bosome Freho, Ntow Ababio MP Dormaa West and Benito Owusu Bio MP Atwima Nwabiagya. They have no pedigree in the commity of Parliamentarians. They belong to the lowest rungs.
Alan's presentation was the lousiest and the most lacklustre if one compares it with Hackman's, Aliu Mahama's, Akufo-Addo's, Dan Botwe's, Osafo Maafo's and Papa Owusu-Ankomah's. He started off by stating rather tragically that the choice before our party at the December 22nd Congress is not about long association with our party; it is not about what one has done for our party; it is not about the competence of the candidate but it only about the marketability of the candidate. The place fell silent and everybody was all ears. The rest of the presentation was an exercise in inconsistency and incoherence.
The loyalists of the Danquah-Busia tradition, the footsoldiers who have toiled since 1992, the tried and experienced MPs and the think-tanks and researchers who have been fuelling the NPP war machine have been told in plain language by Candidate Kyerematen that in his kingdom there is no place for them despite all pretentions to the contrary.
Alan Kyerematen's message is simple:"jobs for the people, cash for the people". And for a person who is doling out fifty million cedis to each of the 230 constituency chairmen to do his bidding amounting to a whopping 11.5 billion cedis, Hon Kwadwo Baah-Wiredu MP, the Minister of Finance should begin to calculate the heat that colossal amount will inject into the economy. Without shame, Alan is beating his chest that for each delegate in the December Congress of the over 2300 delegates, each delegate will receive minimum 50 million cedis, that is at least 115 billion cedis. Alan's understanding of cash for the people!! Corrupting the electoral process. Corrupting the moral fibre of our people. Stealing the verdict by buying the verdict and this is what the NPP is being reduced to. A party which wrote 'The Stolen Verdict' in respect of events relating to the 1992 Presidential elections and 'The Bought Verdict' in respect of the 1996 National elections and is being so brazenly manipulated at the instance of President John Agyekum Kufuor and nobody has the guts to call him to order.
The greatest embarassments that the NPP has suffered under its seven years administration have been caused by Alan Kyerematen. The first was the IFC loan which he wanted to foist on the nation. He was not the Finance Minister yet succeeded in conning Kufuor to believe in its legitimacy and misled Cabinet to do his bidding. The rest of that "cha-cha" misadventure has to be consigned to the dustbin of history. Next was the lamented CNTCI loan from China. That was another amateurish gamble. Again, Alan Kyerematen was fingered. The hands of Kyerematen are not safe and NPP must beware.
Alan prides himself as the originator of the President's Special Initiatives (PSIs). The Ayensu Starch factory is in limbo with a seven million dollar investment only four years after its commissioning. The Oil Palm initiative is catarracted. The Oil Palm industry was already in existence before the booming cacophony. What is the state of affairs? What are the figures of those who were not there already who have entered after the introduction of that Special Initiative? What special efforts have been put in place to purchase the harvests of the new players. Nothing. Much ado about nothing!!
Claearly, under Kyerematen the high falutin choreographs were all monumental disasters and misadventures. Under the NDC, we in the NPP used to complain that sugar imports were too high amounting to over $80 million per annum. Under Trade Minister Kyerematen, the figure exceeded $180 million. Under NDC rice imports exceeded $150 million and the nation's farmers groaned. Under Trade Minister Kyerematen, rice imports exceeded $250 million. Under Industry Minister Kyerematen, our ailing textile industries have totally collapsed and now we suffocate under the Chinese invasion. Without embarassment, he ordered all the jubilee anniversary cloths from China. Yes, Kyerematen creates jobs for people, people elsewhere, but certainly not Ghanaians. His record in job creation since he joined the NPP government which he flaunts is a sick joke and a mere taunt.
The Members of Parliament who were at La Palm Beach Hotel left the place sympathising with Alan for the pain in the presentation which he had to do in a rather cracking voice. He had to strain himself so much to make some sense. Most however were unamused particularly when they deduced that in Alan's game plan MPs do not matter. He doles out 50 million cedis to constituency chairmen to lobby for him but 5 million to MPs to win converts for his enterprise. Is he to blame though? From his encounters with the Ofori-Kuragus, Baidoe-Ansahs, Ennins, Gyamfis, and Ntow Ababios he realises that the MPs are made of bubble and little mettle, hence his contempt.
Alan Kyerematen has established beyond every shred of doubt that he himself is not stern and if we are to judge the tree by its fruits, certainly bran Kyerematen is an unwholesome product.
NPP delegates, the future of our great party conceived by Dr J B Danquah and born by Busia and Dombo is in your hands, do not give us a lame duck; do not give us a lame man; do not give us a Limann; do not give us a lieman; do not give us a conman. Give us a party man, give us a tried and tested man, give us a blue-blood party man; give us a man who belongs to the rank and file; give us a competent person who is known both at home and in the international arena. Do not let us live to regret.


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