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Opinions of Friday, 13 February 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Why Are Kumawuman Citizens Rejecting the Omanhene Imposed on Them Asantehene En masse?

The answer or answers to the question, "Why are Kumawuman citizens rejecting the Omanhene imposed on them by Asantehene en masse" are not farfetched.

They have come to the realisation that truth had better prevail over lies, all of the time. For how long are they going to sit on the fence while people are telling big lies in attempts to rob them of their rich history, wealth and lands in broad daylight? They want the throne to go back to the matrilineal descendants of its originator, Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, thus, the Ananangyas and the Odumases. The Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase "royal" family are NOT related to the originator of the stool in any way imaginable, contrary to the purposeful, but erroneously collusive, assertion by Asantehene as seen in the video posted on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption"

The people are resolutely determined not to have the re-visitation of the ruinous traditional administration exercised by the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II, the Omanhene of Kumawu, from the Ankaase family, on them any sooner. The memory of his reign that exacerbated the suffering of the people, depriving them of essential developments, bringing in its trail dilapidation to Kumawu, is still fresh in their minds, and will no longer be tolerated by the suffering masses of Kumawuman.

They are also not ready to have a disrespectful, insatiably greedy and myopic, and "sikadicious" queen appoint a puppet who will always succumb to her will and that of Asantehene Osei Tutu II, as an Omanhene for them. Since Dr Yaw Sarfo's (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah?) dubious enthronement as the Omanhene of Kumawu, all that he has been doing is eagerly acting on directions by Asantehene and Kumawuhemaa. His pronouncements and the letter he sent to Police Commander Kofi Boakye of which I published a copy on Ghanaweb (Friday, 2 January 2015), Modernghana (Thursday, January 01, 2015) and Spyghana under the heading, "Kumawuhene Sends A Manipulative Letter To Police Commander Kofi Boakye", tell you how far puppet-like he is. Kumawuman is too powerful to have such a dummy as its paramount chief.

The people are aware of how Kumawuhemaa has entered into an open secret agreement with Asantehene to let Kumawuman lose the benefit of the local people's use of hundreds of thousands of hectares of the Afram Plains lands. They are leasing them out to foreign businesses at the rate of US$2.5 per hectare per year for fifty years. They have also heard how she has planned to let Asantehene avail himself of 50% of Kumawuman's money sitting in some blocked bank account with the Bank of Ghana since 1975. For details about this, please refer to my previous publications.

It is NEVER true that Kumawuman people are behind Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah. Form my daily phone calls to various responsible, honest and visionary Kumawuman citizens, about 99% of Kumawuman people, both old and young, are solidly behind BARIMAH TWENEBOAH KODUAH V from the Ananangya royal family, the true matrilineal descendants of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I.

Why have Asantehene, Kumawuhemaa and Dr Yaw Sarfo been using the police to intimidate Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V and his massive supporters if all the people are behind Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah as some faceless people allege on the YouTube column of the internet?

Are there not two chiefs in Tuoabodom in the Brong-Ahafo region? Have the police been harassing any one of them? NO! Why then are they doing contrary in Kumawu? Whatever they do or plan doing, it will backfire on the plotters.

It is only a fool who does not listen to sane advice. I have been advised by family members, friends, and concerned noble citizens who have the interest of Kumawuman and Ghana at heart, to avoid vituperations in my writings. They do not want me to lose my fans, and so shall I listen to them.

Had it not been their advice, I would have taken one Kwame Asiedu, a proud 100% born Kumawu citizen, but without the interest of Kumawuman at heart, to the cleaners to launder his image, using bleach and fresheners. He can keep on being loose cannon until he gets his comeuppance for being a mischievous double-agent (traitor).

As a product, of course an alumnus, of both Tweneboah Koduah Secondary School (Kumawu) and St. Aquinas Secondary School (Accra), I acquired two qualities that I am always proud of. I have become fearless, dynamic and a defender of the suffering masses same as Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the person the school was named, was, by sacrificing his life to save the people of then Asante Confederacy. At Aquinas, I learned to be of service to my nation, people and humanity, same as St. Aquinas, the person after whom the school was named envisioned and rigorously pursued.

I was not called "Okatakyie", later to be abridged to "Okatache", by my form mates for nothing. For how bold and expressive I was then, you can please find out from my mates, one Lt. Anthony Debrah, Rev. Asare, Laikain, Sly and Atsu, the few those that I still remember. I was not rude but knowledgeable and bold when answering questions, contributing to topic discussions etc. Debrah was a Lieutenant in 1980.

However, I shall tone down my language as advised but not without warning all those maliciously colluding with outsiders to ruin Kumawuman.

Please watch Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V on YouTube. He is the people's popular choice and all are supportive of him regardless of all the lies Kwame Asiedu and his cohorts are perpetrating on the internet under the "comments column", and in Ghana.

I will disclose more information when the time comes. The battle to prop the position of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah V as the most popular, dynamic and visionary Omanhene of Kumawu is still the Lord's and continues unabated.

Rockson Adofo