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Opinions of Friday, 7 July 2023

Columnist: Abdul Rashid Issah

Why Dr. Bawumia must not be gambled within the NPP Presidential Primaries

Vice President  Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

It is quite evident that Dr. Bawumia has some inherent leadership qualities that set him apart from his contenders. He has displayed these qualities effectively in protecting the image of the NPP and increasing the party's support base. It will be politically suicidal if the NPP party plays checkers with DMB in the presidential primaries. One may consider the qualities below and see why DMB must not be Gambled with.

Loyalty: Dr. Bawumia has shown unwavering loyalty to the NPP party and its leadership. He has been a loyal member of the party for many years, supporting and campaigning for the party's candidates during elections. This loyalty is important in a potential presidential candidate as it shows dedication and commitment to the party's principles and objectives.

Competence: Dr. Bawumia has proven his competence through his various roles in government. As the Vice President of Ghana, he has played a pivotal role in the implementation of key economic policies and reforms, including the successful implementation of Ghana's digital ID system and the significant reduction of Ghana's fiscal deficit. His competence and expertise in economics make him a strong candidate to lead the party and the country.

Defense: Dr. Bawumia has been effective in defending the government's policies and actions, both domestically and internationally. He has showcased strong communication skills in presenting and explaining government policies, effectively countering criticisms and falsehoods. His ability to defend the party and government is vital in ensuring that the NPP's achievements and initiatives are effectively communicated and not undermined.

Eloquence: Dr. Bawumia has proven himself to be an eloquent speaker, able to clearly articulate complex economic issues to both the general public and experts alike. His ability to convey the party's message effectively is crucial in gaining public support and trust. His eloquence also enhances his ability to engage with stakeholders, including international partners and investors, which is essential in fostering relationships and attracting investments for the country.

Humility: Dr. Bawumia has consistently displayed humility throughout his political career. Despite his high position as Vice President, he remains grounded and approachable. This humility endears him to the public and allows him to connect with people from all walks of life. It also ensures that he is not seen as power-hungry or arrogant, qualities that can be detrimental to a political leader.

Communicator: Dr. Bawumia is an effective communicator who can connect with diverse audiences. His ability to simplify complex issues and convey them in a relatable manner has been instrumental in garnering public support for the government. His communication skills also make him effective in reaching out to different demographics, ensuring inclusivity and diverse support for the party.

All these qualities make Dr. Bawumia a strong and reliable candidate for the NPP party in the presidential primaries. His loyalty, competence, defense skills, eloquence, humility, and ability to communicate effectively make him a formidable contender who should not be gambled with.