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Opinions of Saturday, 20 September 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Why Is Inventorying Kumawu Palace Become Too Frightful To Kumawuhemaa & Co?

It is a standing traditional procedure to make an inventory of the total contents of a palace before they are handed over to a new chief. When the chief is dethroned or dies, there is an obligation to make an inventory to ascertain whether or not the items handed over to him are same as he is leaving behind. This act of inventory is an inescapable requirement, if not an obligation.

Kumawuhemaa has since the demise of Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, the paramount chief (Omanhene) of Kumawu, in July 2007, circumvented or obstructed all attempts to carry out this obligatory process. What has she to hide that she fears will be exposed to denigrate her hence always colluding with powers-that-be, to delay, if not to prevent, that traditional exercise from taking place?

Every citizen of Kumawuman knows how the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II abused his position. He freely availed himself of the traditional coffers, squandering every pesewa therein, presumably thinking the entire wealth of the Stool land was his personal bona fide property.

Additionally, everyone knows about the mysterious disappearance of the “Abamo” (an ancient war artefact seized by Kumawu during her Ataale Finam war) from the house of Kumawuhemaa. This war antique had been in Kumawu for over centuries, donated to then Kumawuhemaa (Ataa Acheampong), after it was captured from the defeated Ataale (the Ewe chief), during the war.

The object was presumed to have the potential to cause fertility in infertile women who had the opportunity to touch it and solicit its assistance. Only God knows how much such historic object could fetch in terms of physical money if it were auctioned in the Western world.

Many valuable items could be missing from the list of the last inventory done somewhere in 1973/74. This is based on how the chief and the queen had behaved, as though every wealth generated from the Stool lands is theirs for their personal use. What about the rumoured role played by “Ahenenananomhene?” They all go to confirm the suspicions of some Kumawuman people that many things are probably missing from the list of the last inventory.

People are watching how the case pending before Asanteman Council, regarding the call for an inventory to be made, before the enthronement of any new chief will go. Will it be a repetition of the bogus arbitration that has seen the arses of Asantehene, Asanteman Council, Kumawuhemaa and the Kumawu kingmakers in court?

We live to see and to bear witness to whatever happens. I hope the Asanteman chiefs have learnt their lesson.

I dedicate this publication to all discerning Kumawuman citizens worldwide, especially, Mr Kwasi Adu, alias Last Day who has been residing in the USA for the past three decades.

The battle to liberate Kumawuman from the grips of the wolves continues unabated!

Rockson Adofo