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Opinions of Sunday, 5 September 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

Why Ken Agyapong can never win any legal action against Kevin Taylor in America

Member of Parliament for Assin Central constituency, Kennedy Agyapong Member of Parliament for Assin Central constituency, Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong lives in his own world that he has created in Ghana, ever since he became a Member of Parliament to represent Assin Central, under the government of the New Patriotic Party.

Even though Agyapong has traveled extensively to many countries, including the United States of America, where he owns a house, he respects their laws and disrespects that of Ghana because he knows in his country, the law doesn’t work.

Agyapong knows that in Ghana, rich people don’t go to jail and he also knows that in Ghana, one can pay a bribe to the judge to set you free if you are a murderer.

Unfortunately, despite the law is corrupt, it works in developed countries better than the third world countries, including Ghana.

Recently, the controversial, popular Ghanaian journalist, Kevin Taylor, based in the United States of America, has to contact the mayor of the county of Worcester, over a program Ken Agyapong has been invited to attend.

Based on what Agyapong did on Ghana’s television, by showing the late Ghanaian journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale’s picture, with threats to beat him up and expose journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas, with whom the late Ahmed Hussein-Suale had worked together, it didn’t take long when Ahmed Hussein-Suale was brutally murdered.

In any developed country, Ken Agyapong will never be free but in a country like Ghana, in which rich people are above the law, Ken Agyapong is a free man. This incident did provoke many Ghanaians around the world, including Kevin Taylor.

Therefore, he stood on his grounds to contact the mayor of Worcester, with all the pieces of evidence to support his case against Ken Agyapong for the program he is due to attend to be canceled and it worked.

Shortly, after the cancellation of the program, according to the bitter Ken Agyapong on air said, he is going to use his power and money to hire two good lawyers to deal with Kevin Taylor in America.

As a matter of fact, this is an empty threat because based on what Agyapong did prior to the death of the Ghanaian journalist, Agyapong will not only waste his money but will also lose his case against Kevin Taylor.

Ken Agyapong is a man who wants to be respected, unfortunately, he doesn't respect himself and he speaks too much.

The price of whatever he has bought for himself should remain a secret, it's not necessary to come and sit on the radio to tell everyone how much your wristwatch is.

He should learn to keep his mouth shut and also control his anger which has done him more harm than good.