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Opinions of Thursday, 29 November 2018

Columnist: Joel Savage

Why Kwesi Nyantakyi should have been in prison by now?

Mr. Kwesi Nyantakyi Mr. Kwesi Nyantakyi

The disgraced former President of the Ghana Football Association, Mr. Kwesi Nyantakyi should have been in prison by now serving between 10 to 15 years, if the Ghanaian government or the judiciary system in Ghana is not corrupt.

There are many Africans in jail in Europe over corruption, fraud and other monetary irregularities, which some of the amount not even close to what went into Nyantakyi’s pocket after the investigation of Anas Amereyaw Anas exposed him.

There is no definition which suits Africa better than “the continent which anything which is not possible in the developed world is possible.” Just a few months ago, the British government was angry with Vladimir Putin over an attempt to kill a Russian spy in Britain which involved a dangerous substance, nerve gas; which could have put the lives of British citizens in danger.

While in Africa, Aids and Ebola biological weapons have ravaged the continent, yet our leaders roll out red carpets for the culprits responsible when they visit Africa, like Donald Trump's wife. That is Africa. I clearly understand the reason Ugandan president, Museveni, was the only African president who agreed with Trump for calling Africa a 'Shithole nation."

I haven’t taken much trouble to read the full biography of Nana Akufo Addo, the current Ghanaian leader yet, but I do remember reading that he did law. If truly Nana did law at school, then I don’t know the kind of law he studied. People who commit crimes go to jail, they don't enjoy impunity even if they are fined, unless the judiciary is corrupt.

According to Nana Addo, he has declared war against corruption in Ghana. It’s like Donald Trump saying that he wants to make America great again. That means he is not satisfied over the direction America is moving. Truly, many Americans, including the opposition are n’t happy about Donald Trump’s policy because he has changed everything.

Thus, if Nana Akufo Addo claims he will fight against corruption, there is the need for Ghanaians to ask him: “In what way?” Because Nana Addo has set a criminal who deserves to be in prison free, a crime Kwesi Nyantakyi wouldn’t have escaped a prison sentence if what he did had occurred in any developed country, whether the judiciary system is corrupt or not.

Rev. Osei Kofi is right to have said on a Kumasi-based Sikka FM that “Nana Akufo Addo must know that Number 12 expose was divine intervention to get the President of the land to deal with Kwesi Nyantakyi’s ‘thievery’ and clean Ghana football. If he fails to deal with Nyantakyi Ghanaians will respond in 2020. ModernGhana reference

According to history, the roots of civilization started from Africa, but today, it's rather all over the internet that “If you want to hide anything from the black man put it in the book.” Why because of our inactive thinking, activities and the lack of reading.

If in Bob Marley’s Reggae song, he says “In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty,” taken from an Ethiopian proverb. "The fool is thirsty in the midst of water,” then we Africans are fools because the richest continent in the world is Africa, yet millions are suffering.

Ghanaians like Rev Osei Kofi is sick and tired of the corruptible nature of the Ghanaian government and the judiciary system. Therefore, if Nana claims he is fighting against corruption, then he must do it the right way to convince Ghanaians that he is also not corrupt.