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Opinions of Friday, 1 October 2021

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Why Mahama is still the best for Ghana as president

Former President, John Dramani Mahama Former President, John Dramani Mahama

All human beings have inherent traits which determine their character. As much as some of these genetically determined characteristics are very positive and beneficial to society, others are malicious and dangerous.

These traits are known as the psychological triad or dark triad. In his book, "Psychology and Manipulation", Zac Adams says that psychological triads comprise the three personality traits known as narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

According to him, Narcissists speak highly about themselves and would not necessarily put their image up for scrutiny. Arrogance and artificial superiority are two of their noticeable traits. One thing that sets them apart from the "normal" personality type is their extreme lack of empathy towards others.

Machiavellianism was named after Niccolo Machiavelli who was an Italian writer and philosopher. Machiavellians use lying, cheating, and deception to get what they want. They are very cold, cunning, and ambitious. They lack empathy and enjoy hurting others for their own personal gain.

Psychopaths severely lack the ability to feel any form of guilt or empathy towards people and show little to no signs of remorse when they inflict pain or damage on others. I haven't mentioned any names, please. I don't want any trouble!

According to Zac Adams, it is possible for a person to exhibit all the triad traits at different times in different situations. It has, therefore, become extremely important for people to consider traits of politicians before choosing them as leaders.

Any leader with any of the three triad traits is a catastrophe because such leaders are naturally insensitive to the suffering of people, and will do things for their personal interest and comfort.

The good news, however, is that there are leaders who are altruistic by nature and have traits that are converse to any of the triad traits. Former President John Dramani Mahama is one of such leaderS. He is extremely honest, selfless, fair, and empathetic towards others.

He feels the pain of the ordinary disadvantaged Ghanaian and the rural poor that is why he did so much within his 4-year term as president to assuage the suffering of the masses. And I am going to give a plethora of evidence of his achievements.

Rehabilitation of Komenda Sugar Factory, construction of Elmina Fish Processing Factory, CIMAF Cement Factory, GIHOC Shoe factory in Kumasi, Takoradi Port Expansion, Tema Port Expansion Tamale Teaching Hospital Rehabilitation, and Expansion; Legon Teaching Hospital, NHIS Tamale Office, Upper West Regional Hospital, construction of over 100 Community Day SHS, Univ. of Health Allied Sciences, construction of 5,200 CHPS compounds, increasing of Nursing Training Colleges from 32 to 78, expanded the Health Insurance Scheme with over 50% increase in subscription.

Construction of many Polyclinics, Millennium City Schools in Accra, construction of the ultra-modern Terminal 3 at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Tamale Airport Rehabilitation and Upgrading, Kumasi Airport Expansion, and started the construction of Ho Airport.

Others are: Nkrumah Circle Interchange, Aworshie Pokuase Road, Takoradi Metro. New Asphalt Roads, Yamoransa - Elubo Road Rehabilitation, Burma Camp Road, Giffard Roads, Teshie - Nungua Bush Road, Aflao Metro Mass Terminal.

Mampong Water Supply Rehabilitation and Expansion, Wa Water Supply Expansion, Kibi 5- Town Water Treatment Plant, Akwapim Water Project, Teshie Desalination Water Plant, Kpong Water Works Expansion Project, Pungu Solar Energy Project, Atuabo Gas Plant, started Atuabo Free Port, Electrification of 22 communities in Tamale South and Electrification of 54 Communities in Mampong.

The rest are: over 60% increase in producer price of cocoa, Takoradi Sea Defence Project, Jita Tokor Sea Defence Project, Cape Coast Sports Stadium Complex, NCA Tamale Offices, Kejetia Market Complex in Kumasi, Asafo Market in Kumasi, Tamale Market Complex, Kotokuraba Market in Cape Coast, Military Hospital in Kumasi, Expansion of the Ridge Hospital in Accra.

Expansion of Police Hospital in Accra, Kumasi Roads and Drainage Expansion Project, Kumasi Rattray Park, The 695km Eastern Corridor Roads, Fufulso-Sawla road, 800-kilometer Fibre Optic ICT Backbone, Ten, Gye Nyame, and the Volta Basin oil blocks exploration projects, successful implementation of deregulation of petroleum products.

No president or government in Ghana’s history worked and invested in the energy sector more than former President John Mahama. He added about 2,300 MW of power to the national grid to solve the energy crisis in Ghana, just to mention a few.

Whoa! That is incredible, isn't it? The people of Ghana will be enthused about his second coming and are ready to support him. For him to garner over 6 million votes in the last presidential election is a clear justification for this.

It is for the NDC to fully understand the intricacies and the taxonomy of the time that John Mahama is the best bet for Victory 2024, the time is ripe for a solution, and the moment to push is now!

If this is ignored, the long-term damage to the NDC’s electoral fortunes in the future will be grave; because the most serious risk for them is to put their most potent player on the bench. It is, therefore, critical for the Umbrella people to present him as their flag bearer for 2024.

They shouldn’t be bogged down in a morass of petty conflicts because the threat of the party staying in opposition beyond 2024 remains, and the NDC is vulnerable. This could bring a crisis of a new order of magnitude; therefore, they should blur the lines between selfishness and selflessness.

They should unite around common values to accomplish Victory 2024. They should do it. They should just do it. They should not hesitate. They should never hesitate. If they work together they can make that difference! Supporting JM for 2024 will be more immediately rewarding.