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Opinions of Monday, 20 November 2006

Columnist: Hayford, Kwesi Atta-Krufi

Why NDC Should Elect Spio Garbrah

Why NDC Should Elect Influencial Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah As Its Flagbearer.

As we are all aware, come December 2006 the bell will toll again for us to elect a flag bearer to lead our Great Party to victory.
The 2008 election will give us the platform to showcase our hard-won achievements. We cannot afford to make the mistakes of the past. We will need to vote for a leader who will be working tirelessly with his team to lock the Ghanaian economy in economic stability and invest in the infrastructure upon which our future prosperity will depend. A leader who will work towards the long-term investments Ghana needs in education, health, employment, skills and technology. A leader who will put our long term goals before the short-term agenda, a leader who cares about individuals but who would not put national economic stability at risk.
It is our responsibility, as it has been the tradition of our party throughout its long and distinguished history, to bring a balance to the scales of social justice. To recognise that, we must invest in a leader who has the vision to educate our people, so that the nation does not pay for their unemployment outcomes of crime and disorder. Ghana needs a new direction and new answers. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah by his actions has demonstrated clearly a good understanding of the need for a new direction that must be set for Ghana. To meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, and to satisfy people’s aspirations today, our country needs a responsible leader who has vision in personal responsibility – giving every individual the skills, the resources, and the confidence to take control of their life. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah has also shown vision in professional responsibility – giving all those who work for him in his private enterprise the freedom to fulfil their vocation. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah has demonstrated that he will show vision in civic responsibility – giving our neighbourhoods and communities the power to shape their destinies, fight crime and improve the quality of life. He has abundantly demonstrated his vision and ability in corporate responsibility – giving business the encouragement and the incentive to help enhance our environment and improve well-being. His vision will reflect the mission of the modern NDC Party: a responsibility revolution to create an opportunity society – a society in which everybody is a somebody, a doer not a done-for. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah brings a message of change, of optimism and hope. He brings aspirations and values that are not only built to last; but also are as relevant now as they have ever been
You can play your part by joining the National Democratic Congress. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah Led National Democratic Congress will be a voice for change, optimism and hope. It will be a party that represents everyone in Ghana: wherever they live, whatever their race, religion, gender, sexuality or salary. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah is eager to rebuild and strengthen our society for the benefit of all.
This is an exciting time in Ghanaian politics. We have the opportunity to vote for a candidate, who understands the problems of Ghana, having been at various times a teacher ,farmer ,journalist, P.R. Consultant ,banker , minister , diplomat who will help to develop a positive, forward looking agenda that will help meet the big challenges our motherland faces, and help make Ghana a better place to live and work.
When the bell tolls in December, we should be compelled to vote to become a new, inclusive organisation, reflecting today's Ghana. So we need to take decisive steps to change the face of our great Party. We need to focus on the future, vote for someone who will be able to engage people - young, old, those who are committed to politics and those who have given up on it- in the task of meeting the challenges faced by our country and our world. We need to vote for someone with a very good negotiating skills who will be able to bring into our fold all those who have left our great party, Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah stands tall among all the candidates contesting candidates in achieving the above.
Prof Mills according to his campaign team keeps telling us that, he has contested twice and for that matter is highly marketed than all the other candidates. Whereas this fact might be accurate, we must not forget that the challenges facing us now is different from the challenges we faced yesterday, therefore we need someone with a good understanding of current challenges.
Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah understands and has demonstrated his preparedness to take Ghanaians to the Promised Land, by embarking on human centred policies and fighting our current challenges head on. Dr Ekwow Spio Garbrah is prepared and ready for the leadership challenges and will address the current challenges, in an open minded, creative and thoughtful way. Eye Zu!!! EYE SPIO!!! NDC 2008 SPIO AAAA NA OKO!!!!!

Written by
Ben Attah Hayford
Department of Law, Governance and International Relations
London Metropolitan University.

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