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Opinions of Monday, 22 June 2015

Columnist: Efo Dela Mawuko

Why Seth Terkper is Ghana’s only hope for economic transformation

Opinion Opinion

Forget all the noise about the economic downturn. The US, Europe and Asia have all experienced it.

It is not about Seth Terkper’s performance either.

It is all about a deadly plot being hatched by the enemies of the state to have their poster boys and girls in charge of the treasury, just so they can amass wealth.

That is exactly what it is.

And the deputy finance minister, madam Mona Quartey is at the height of this senseless shenanigans to get her boss out of the ministry.

She is in league with certain faceless NDC operatives to stampede President Mahama.

You may have seen the news article last Thursday about Seth Terkper’s removal from office. That is what I am talking about. But what is the point really?

This country has been in a serious crisis as a result of overspending and bad economic policies of Dr. Duffuor, and fixing the crisis is not a one day’s job. We all know it. You don’t need to be a finance guru or hold a PHD in economics to know this basic fact.

The President himself has acknowledged this severally, and he has also indicated that he trusts his finance minister to turn the situation around.

This is not an economy that is in stagnation. What we need is a tough approach to tackle the issues for the attainment of long term reliefs, and that’s exactly what Seth Terkper is doing.

President Mahama is fully aware that Seth Terkper is doing a great job and his confidence in him is unwavering.

But then again, I am so disgusted with the people who want us to believe that by heckling the finance minister, they are showing their love for President Mahama and Ghana.

All they want is power through the back door.

Hon. Seth Tekper has refused to play ball with the economic hitmen hiding behind political parties. Their main interest is to milk the state and you must necessarily kowtow to them as a finance minister, or else, they will get you out by hook or crook.

In a country where corruption has been institutionalized as a cultural norm, the likes of Seth Terkper is certainly a threat to the corruption machinery particularly regarding the portfolio he holds.

I am not surprised at the persistent determination by the saboteurs to get him out of the finance ministry.

When corrupt elements fail to draw you into their fold of nefarious activities, they certainly find a way of incriminating and persecuting you.

It happened to the then Sport Minister in the erstwhile Kufuor regime, Malam Issa.

Hon. Seth Terkper's determination of standing up against corruption and financial malfeasance is what is making him a lot of enemies used to conniving and conspiring with corrupt elements at the finance ministry to milk the state.

The truth is that, there have been a paradigm shift with radical reforms at the finance ministry since Seth Terkper took over as a minister, making organized theft usually by high profile civil servants and politicians extremely difficult.

Terkper is the type of men Ghana need in our public institutions to deal with the rot and curb corruption. He is a principled and patriotic citizen who puts country above greedy and parochial interest.

This country will go places if incorruptible, principled and patriotic public servants of the caliber of Seth Terkper were to head most Ministries, state institutions, and parastatal institutions.

The president had been spot on with his decision to maintain Terkper despite overwhelming pressure to dismiss him.

Ghana must work, and Seth Terkper is definitely the man to lead our economic transformation.

I shall be back.