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Opinions of Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Columnist: Sayibu, Akilu

Why The NPP Should Go For Frimpong-Boateng


After the publication of the part (I) of this article, I had a series of feedback from readers. I must say that, I was hugely touched by the good and kind words that people had to say about Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng. And of how they were willing to vote for him should he win his party primaries for election 2010.

It must be explained that, most of the persons who emailed me and commented on the part (I) which was published in various media locally and Internationally recently were not members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) but persons I can describe accurately as the floating voters that the party would definitely need among other things for victory 2010.

His gentility, honesty, and passion to serve mankind in all of his life were touted loudly. His track record in terms of initiatives and practical achievements were all stated as some of the reasons why he would have the support of Ghanaians in a Ghanaian election. In the view of such people the party must go for him in other to achieve the automatic support of their votes. Another set of feedback that I received came from persons I will call members of the NPP. They agreed in principle that Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng would be excellent for the NPP, but still felt that, Nana Akuffo Addo in particular should be given what they termed as “The last chance”. This category of people the feel the NPP did well with Nana Addo in the last election and should be presented once again among other reasons which I will not repeat here.

I don’t believe in the idea of giving someone a “second chance” or a “coronation” in an election that the NPP has to win by all means! Modern politics has no room for second chances. Some vital ingredients would have to be considered beyond some of the reasons been thrown about. Some of those reasons are so archaic to say the least!

The issue is about presenting a winnable and a candidate who will not only attract floating voters for the NPP but who has practical solutions for the Nations problems and has a track record to that effect. That is the candidate the NPP must vote for on August 7, 2010. And in my view based on the feedback received after the part one of this article Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng will just be the very best for the NPP at this time of its life. I must disclose that, some of the feedback I received just felt short of saying “It matters not if Nana Addo is presented and the NPP fails to regain power” to such group of people; supporters of the NPP are not ready for any “lottery” of their future. Others who are in favour of Professor Frimpong Boateng for the leadership of the NPP see him to be the party’s last opportunity to go for unifier in the wake of the excessively and highly unacceptable acrimonious war between Nana Addo and Alan mostly “fought” by proxy through their various supporters. The honest fear of most people is that, the current “war” of words between the Alan and Nana Addo group would only get worst should either of them be elected and feel the answer lies in such a fine gentleman as Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng.

It is the believe of some also that, God himself spoke to the NPP during the balloting for positions on the ballot paper for the primaries on June 10th 2010 when Professor Frimpong came first on the ballot paper. To such people it was not a coincidence it was a divine message from God to NPP.

Such people still hope it is not late for the other aspirants to withdraw from the contest from now up to the Election Day on August 7th in the supreme interest of the NPP.

Others also believe the current issues facing the NPP was not about long service or how nice or ugly a candidate is, but about victory beyond the impending NPP primaries. To such people professor Frimpong-Boateng is just the best thing that can happen to the NPP now.

It must be explained that some political observers and supporters of the NPP are highly unhappy with the other aspirants for shying away from a propose intra-party aspirant debates that Professor Boateng suggested and also wonder why the NPP as a party was mute over such a laudable suggestion which would be an excellent opportunity for the delegates to know the aspirants very well and what they have for the NPP beyond the “it is my turn posture” especially when there were offers to voluntarily sponsor the programme from groups and individuals who believe in strengthening internal democracy of the NPP.

It is obvious that, the mood of the country favours Professor Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng for election 2012. The NPP must dance according to the passion of the Nation and not on expired tradition who no one can explain where it is coming from. See you in part (III).


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