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Opinions of Friday, 21 February 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Why are Ghanaian Leaders Worried about…?

Current Ghanaian leaders of all categories, whether political or traditional, are worried about one thing. What could that be, a curious mind may inquire? Are they not worried about the disturbing, although truly established, revelations about their questionable characters, eyesore commitments, intentions and aspirations with the concomitant public castigations?


Both our political and traditional leaders of today are vigorously pursuing the same materialistic agenda of illegally enriching themselves at the expense of the governed or the subjects. In their mind’s eye, the poor masses they rule are complete simpletons. They have not the least regard for the people, although without whom the leaders themselves are nobodies.


Having consciously or subconsciously compromised their dignity through abuse of power, corruption and unjustified vainglory, they turn round to bemoan the decline of traditional values in the youth when they are confronted. They accused the dissenting youth of being disrespectful and without morals. They then find the flimsy excuses of tagging one as being employed by someone else to behaving the way they do, towards them (the leaders).


This reminds me of what my late father-in-law used to say when telling off his guilty but grudging children, "Se wo ye yiee a nka wanim ante?"- ("You would be having cheerful face if you had done the right thing").


The moaning leaders would not suffer public rebuke if they had behaved a bit responsibly. You cannot continue to abuse the governed, embezzle public funds, deny them little respect and basic essential developments while expecting them to prostrate before you because you are the earthly representatives of God the Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent or you are God yourselves. That is not right, you cannot have your cake and eat it!


If they do not change their attitudes towards the ordinary citizens, I am afraid, they have not seen anything yet (popularly in slang as "they ain’t seen nothing yet). Our leaders in politics are not serving the people as required but are there only to amass personal wealth. Similarly, our traditional leaders are holding their subjects in total subjugation, selling all available stool lands and pocketing the proceeds. They also collude with other less intelligent colleague-chiefs or sub-chiefs to exploit other subjects under different chiefs.


Until they stop taking the masses for fools, underrating their intelligence and taxing their patience, their current obnoxious actions are a recipe for disaster; a ticking time-bomb about to explode anytime soon.


As one Rev. Awuku used to say, "If you don’t go to Heaven don’t blame Jesus", so will I say to the leaders, don’t blame me if you happen to be chastised by the public after your nocturnal and diurnal nefarious activities are bared in public.


I dedicate this write-up to all discerning Ghanaians supportive of our selfless dedication and service to the suffering masses of Ghana.
