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Opinions of Sunday, 27 December 2020

Columnist: Andrew Amenyo

Why are Ghanaians not putting pressure on Jean Mensah and her cohorts to resign?

Jean Mensa, Chairperson, Electoral Commission Jean Mensa, Chairperson, Electoral Commission

It is obvious that Jean Mensah is not only incompetent but also immature for the position of Chair Person of the Electoral Commission. The several error-ridden election results announced by Jean Mensah, her misdeeds and uncouth behaviour she has demonstrated since her appointment are enough to justify a call for her resignation.

Jean Mensah ignored a petition from H.E Mr John D. Mahama who is not only a Former President of the country but also the Flagbearer of the main opposition party in the election who garnered over six million votes. To add insult to injury, she refused to come out to meet and accept a petition from the minority caucus in the Parliament who represent 106 constituencies.

Jean Mensah has proved beyond doubt that she cannot be trusted. The Santrokofi, Akpafu, Likpe and Lolobi issue and the way and manner she backdated the gazetting of the election results to beat the Order of Injunction placed on the Electoral Commission by the High Court at Ho are the latest manifestations of the fact that she is favouring the NPP hence her unworthiness for the job she has been entrusted to do.

The fraudulent thumb-printed ballot papers bearing the Electoral Commission’s stamps can be traced to the doorsteps of the Electoral Commission.

It is absolutely patent that Jean Mensah and her cohorts at the Electoral Commission have no conscience at all; otherwise, they would have resigned by now. They do not know shame and if allowed to continue with their work at the Electoral Commission, they will cause more havoc. The earlier Jean Mensah and her cohorts are forced to resign the better it is for our mother Ghana.

I am calling on all Ghanaians especially the opinion leaders to mount pressure on Jean Mensah, Bossman Asare and Sriboe Quaicoe to resign as a matter of urgency. They lack honesty and integrity and are, therefore, unfit for the job.