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Opinions of Monday, 7 February 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Why are some authorities failing the students of NMTC in Asante-Mampong?

Some nurses in the Nursing and Midwifery Training College are being mistreated Some nurses in the Nursing and Midwifery Training College are being mistreated

From the credible information steadily trickling to me day in day out from the Nursing and Midwifery Training College (NMTC) in Mampong in the Ashanti region, I can only conclude that some authorities, institutions, and persons entrusted with overseeing the implementations and enforcement of some laws, regulations and relevant policies, are not living up to expectation.

They can justifiably be said to be incompetently, unprofessionally, or lackadaisically exercising their functions to the detriment of the nation and the citizenry.

The students of the NMTC in Mampong feel mistreated, discriminated against, and victimised by the apparently obnoxious, intransigent, and unprofessional attitude of their principal, Mrs. Gifty Hellen Dwamena Amoah, had the decency and respect for protocols, to officially alert the appointed responsible authorities and persons to their plight. Their action taken is surely in conformity with the laid down acceptable procedures for conveying their grievances to whom it may concern.

However, as the principal correctly responded to their written grievances, thus petition which was devoid of the names and or, signatures of the petitioners, demanding better particulars, some of the authorities contacted failed woefully to acknowledge their petition.

As of the time of writing, the Registrar of Nursing and Midwifery Council in Accra has not bothered to acknowledge their petition. This is the height of incompetence, unprofessionalism, and nonchalance leading to the prevalence of lawlessness and corruption in Ghana to culminate in the economic stagnation or retrogression, if not deprivation, of the country, to the disadvantage of the citizenry.

Appointed institution heads and persons must always ensure they do their work as required of them to bring sanity to the workplace, schools, and wherever their services are to be felt for the collective good of mother Ghana and Ghanaians.

Below is a true copy of the response by the principal to the petition sent by the affected students to the management of the school. Her response is spot on and very much appreciated. I soliloquised a similar view as expressed in the response letter to the petitioners. Why was it not signed or attached with the list of the names of the petitioners to make it genuine, I asked myself?

Surely, they were scared to divulge their identities for the fear of being singled out for mistreatment, I should think. Therefore, we need to bear with them and accept the petition as genuine, regardless of the absence of the signatures.

I shall encourage the affected students to send her their names without any fear of victimisation. They should not entertain any fear of being singled out for molestation, victimisation, or whatever, by whomever.

Should anyone be treated with scorn following their submission of names to the principal as petitioners, I will get to hear it and subsequently deal robustly with it as God may empower and direct me and my knowledge allows.

The Advisory Board of NMTC have done their part but the body that holds the final authority, thus, the Registrar of Nursing and Midwifery Council, is he who is dithering to exacerbate the sufferings of the students.

Having said that, the principal of the school should not be seen to behave dictatorially.

From the information available to me, it is only in her school that she is employing a method that allows her to demote, repeat or sack students who are not in uniformity with standard methods applicable in the Nursing and Midwifery Training Colleges in Ghana, or in Ashanti region. If so, why is she proud to be the only macho woman, if not an insane one, out there?

Is she trying to prove to the nation that she is the toughest one out there? If what she is doing is lawful and without discrimination or animosity towards anyone, then fair enough. Nevertheless, I don’t think that is her motive but to penalise the students for reasons only best known to her and her alleged “colleague in crime”, Mr. Paul Antierefaa.

Mr. Paul Antierefaa is said to be in charge of feeding students’ practical or academic results onto the students portal. The results are said to change faster than the stars twinkle or a chameleon changes its colour. Once you blink your eye, the results have changed. What is going on, if I dare to ask? Is it not an act of unprofessionalism or a deliberate collusive attempt to punish some students for the fun of it?

Until this problem at stake is resolved professionally, lawfully, and amicably without any intention of messing up the lives of anyone involved, either the principal or the students, I shall be on the back of the responsible institutions, authorities, or persons failing to perform their duties as it is otherwise expected of them in this critical circumstance.

We should not allow Ghana to be held to ransom by a few corrupt, incompetent, selfish, and myopic individuals or institutions entrusted with the welfare of the country and the people therein.

The ball is now in the court of the principal of the school. She is currently the only one able to redress the despicable situation the students are now confronted with. She should bear in mind that the future of some people, particularly the students, is at stake. The students are our future healthcare personnel so we should not mess up with their lives and career.

I hope Mrs. Gifty Hellen Dwamena Amoah will do the needful as quickly as she can or else, more publications inundated with unpalatable information as I have been made aware of will surely be put out there in the public domain.

I am not here to blackmail anyone but to convey the truth and expressed concerns to the larger public and anyone interested in knowing about the unfortunate developments ongoing at Mampong Nursing and Midwifery Training College.