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Opinions of Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Columnist: Awurabena Nyameyie Gaisie

Why change?

Time for change Time for change

Change has always caused fear, uncertainty, and different levels of anxiety. To change means to transform from one state to another, to modify, or to move in a different direction with the same destination in mind.

It is very interesting how the very unavoidable life circumstances cause the most controversies; from past to present, evolution has been integral in man’s story.

Due to the nature of this concept, changes have been implemented majorly through the leadership of people who saw the future, believed it could happen and made it so. Change is driven by leadership, and not just any form of such, but that with conviction and purpose.

The question then is, how can an individual cause change irrespective of the opposition and unknown outcomes? Are change ideas always worth the risk? Well, by far, the most amazing discoveries have been made because others were willing to embrace change, regardless of the glaring pitfalls.

One of the major lessons learned on the road to leadership is to be the change you wish to see. Bringing about change, especially on national and global platforms looks far-fetched, almost impossible even, nonetheless, the biggest things are constituted by the smallest elements. Being the change you desire to see in any area will be the start to impacting that characteristic in others, and watching others outspread it.

Which skills do you have, and which must you develop? Change leadership is qualified by certain skills that equip an individual for influence. Vision. Have an end goal. Where are you headed? Visualize your outcomes.
Negotiation. Exchange your interests with others. Persuasion and communication. Carry others along with you, encourage them to buy into your vision. Strategic thinking and networking. Have the ability to know how others think, and connect with them from that point.

Knowing the skills you have will enable you to capitalize on them to your greatest advantage.

Details are important. It is crucial to pay attention to detail if the change is being initiated. Nothing should be left to chance, so much so that the most seemingly irrelevant ones must be highly considered. Remember, big things are constituted by the smallest elements. Addressing all that is addressable, will give a good foundation to the great impact on the way.

Study, study, study. Learn to learn from others. This can be done through observation, reading, as well as interaction. You never know too much, there is always something new to discover. An amazing quote from Dr. Mensa Otabil says that leaders are readers. The journey of a transformational leader is defined by constant growth through the discovery of new knowledge.

What change have you identified? What is it you want to change; about yourself, your family, community, or even your continent? Nothing is impossible once the mind is set to achieve it. Do not fear change, however, embrace it, because change is the pathway to newness.