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Opinions of Thursday, 21 July 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Why crying louder than the bereaved, Sammy Atta Mills asks Koku Anyidoho?

Late former president of Ghana, John Evans Atta-Mills Late former president of Ghana, John Evans Atta-Mills

When listening to a live interview granted by Samuel Atta Mills (Hon), a brother to the late President Professor John Evans Atta Mills, on one of the Ghana radio stations in their morning news of Wednesday, 20 July 2022, he doubted why Koku Anyidohu is so concerned about the late President. He queried, why Koku Anyidohu is crying louder than the bereaved?

Samuel Atta Mills (Hon) is a member of parliament representing the Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem Constituency in the Central Region on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

For him, he does not understand why Koku Anyidohu, the former Deputy General Secretary of NDC, excommunicated from the party years ago, and a complete outsider with regard to the Mills’ family, is always worried and crying about the neglected legacy of the late President Professor Atta Mills.

Coming from the point of view of some Akan proverbs that go, “Onipa no nua ne nnea waboa no”; “Enye obi bribi ne obi, na nnea waye no yie” and “Anomaa nua ne nea 3ne no da dua koro”, I see the question posed by Samuel Atta Mills as completely senseless, if not stupid of him.

From empirical observations, any sensible and honest Ghanaian could tell that Koku Anyidohu really loved and cared about President Mills more than most of his (President’s) own family members. This is an indisputable fact that even an inhibited Ghanaian will not dare venture to say the contrary.

Therefore, he has every right to wail much louder, although an outsider to the Mills’ family, than the completely seeming nonchalant family members of the President.

When the “Asomdwe Park” where the late President was buried was always on the news as being neglected and turning into a forest where people could sooner probably go hunting for wild animals, what did the Mills family do? Zilch! Was it not Koku Anyidohu, now the Mr. Outcast, who has tried for all these past ten years to ensure the place became a befitting place of rest for the late President?

When the place was growing bushy by the day, where were the Mills’ family and the NDC, disgraceful beings as most of them are?

Sammy Atta Mills only came out to talk when he was compelled by the stupid statement issued by Johnson Asiedu Nketia, that mosquito-like being going by the fitting nickname General Mosquito that NDC will boycott the 10th-anniversary celebration of the death of the President if the Mills’ family did not intervene to kick out Samuel Koku Anyidohu as the organizer.

This threat by the NDC forced Sammy Atta Mills to come out with his query and threat to sue some people and organizations for desecrating the body and tomb of the late President.

To be honest with him, I see him as being childish.
Yes, the family members of a deceased person must not only be present but authorize and perform some traditional rites when the body of their deceased member is being removed or relocated for any reason. However, does the family of President Mills care about him that much? I doubt it.

The Ghanaian proverbs above in order as stated are, “A friend in need is a friend indeed”; “He who does you good, is your everything” and finally, ”The brother/sister of a bird is the one with whom it sits in the same tree” or better still, “birds of the same feathers flock together” to wit, “Anomaa a won ntakra se na won tu bom.”

Is this the recompense for Koku Anyidohu, after all the good things he has done for NDC and President Mills? As a zealous supporter of the NDC, he published copious feature articles under the moniker Margaret Jackson and Nana Akua Tweneboa Kodua to denigrate NPP and then-presidential aspirant Nana Akufo-Addo, all in the hope of maintaining NDC in power.

What is happening to him, now a prodigal son is not any karma but the manifestations of the ungratefulness of both the NDC and the Mills family.

I had better stop before I veer off course into a total vituperative attack on the family and the roguish NDC.