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Opinions of Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Columnist: Progressive Ga-Dangmes Patriotic Forum

Why has the President sidelined Ga-Dangmes

President John Mahama President John Mahama

Press Release from the Progressive Ga-Dangmes Patriotic Forum

Why has the President sidelined Ga-Dangmes in the appointment of persons into the U.G Council?

The University of Ghana Council was reconstituted by the President after the retirement of Professor Ernest Aryeetey as Vice Chancellor of the University. The composition of the Council is made up of: Government appointments, representatives of various student unions, teachers associations and other honorary members. The university council is very crucial to the attainment of specific goals in the lifecycle of the institution.

The University Council would be responsible for the governance and implementation of the 2014 – 2024 Strategic Plan of the University to achieve its vision of becoming a world-class research intensive university over the next decade. What this means is that the University Council is going to directly impact on the quality of education that a whole generation of young Ghanaians are going to receive in a decade. This is indeed crucial.

The President appointed four members into the university council as its direct quota and these are: Professor Mahama Duweiju, Ambassador Fati-Habib Jawula, Dr. William Abayaawien Atuilik and Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams.

While we have nothing against the credentials and educational acumen of these astute members in spearheading the developmental agenda of the University of Ghana, we find it extremely worrying that the government of Ghana led by John Dramani Mahama did not find it worthy enough to appoint a single Ga-Dangme to the council. This is not only discriminatory but highly insulting to the people of Ga-Dangbe whose land the University of Ghana is located on.

It is the common practice in Ghana to ensure that all appointment into various University councils are ethnically bias in favor of the community in which the university is located on. Some few examples will suffice. The University for Development Studies (UDS) has these eminent members as Government appointees into the Council: Naa Alhaji Iddrisu Abu (Kumbun-Na Yiri II) Government Appointee, Dr. Gordon A. Awandare Government Appointee, and Mrs. Sophia G. Songnabong Government Appointee.

All these members are Northerners who were appointed into a University located in the North. When we come to the University of Cape Coast, these are the government appointees into the council: Mr. Kwasi Addae Boahene, Dr. (Mrs) R.S.M Entsua Mensah and Major Retired Ben Donkor. These appointees are all Fantis appointed into a University located on a Fanti land.

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology has these government appointees as Members of the University council: Mr.Asare Akuffo and Madam Adelaide Ahwireng who are all Asantes. Other Government run universities follow similar protocols of ensuring that areas where universities are located have at least one representative appointed by the government on the council.

Why is it that the President appointed majority of Northerners into a University Council located on a Ga-Dangme land in violation of the conventional practice in other Universities? Is it because the President deems Ga-Dangmes totally unworthy and academically weak to be on the University of Ghana council? This disrespect to Ga-Dangmes must be condemned by all true Ga-Dangmes.

We must note that this President and his N.D.C party are in the habit of perpetuating tribal discrimination against Ga-Dangmes in Greater Accra. From the yanking of Ga parliamentarians from traditional Ga seats in favor of other tribes to the indiscriminate selling of Ga-Dangmes lands to his Bole Northerners spearheaded by his brother Ibrahim Mahama is something that has not gone unnoticed. Ga-Dangmes feel like orphans in their own Region totally neglected and disrespected.

The Progressive Ga-Dangme Patriotic Forum is by this release calling the attention of the President to the injustice committed against the people of Ga-Dangmes by reversing the tribal laden appointment that he has done into the University of Ghana Council.

We wish to categorically state that there are thousands of eminent Ga-Dangme academicians who are more than qualified to be on a University Council located on their land. The disrespect shown to Ga-Dangmes must come to an end sooner than later.

Long live Ghana Long live all Ga-Dangmes Thank you

Henry Nii Kpakpo Allotey (Convener-0243-370764) Stephen Nii Adjetey Tawiah (International Relations +447961889202) Esther Tsotso Tetteh (Women Affairs-+46764238780) Bil Parawin (Communications-0279-521354) George Nii Abbey (Research-020-3587929) Alexander Leonel Martey (Media Liaison)