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Opinions of Saturday, 23 November 2013

Columnist: Mohammed, Chief Obosu

Why i endorse Kwabena Agyapong

Why i endorse kwabena agyapong for general - secretary

The job description of a General Secretary of a Political Party is huge, administratively and technically demanding. With its combination of external and internal pressures and relentless intellectual, physical and emotional demands, this is manifestly one of the most hair-raisingly stressful jobs in Political administration and activism.

So what does a General Secretary of the Great NPP require; delivering this role?

If one really wants a paragon of all the virtues, one would no doubt have to list many more factors than the following: strength, flexibility, exposure, experience, clout and administratively astute. He must be independent, assertive, versatile, and institutionally deep and cannot be manipulated by the factions or blocks within the Party. Kwabena Agyepong is tailored for the job. His perceive arrogance is a minus but his strength outweighs his weakness in a “global” analysis of his capacity and capability to do the job.

We are not in the Party to make friends; we are joined together by a common purpose; to win power. To achieve this objective, we may take hard, uncommon and less popular decisions to fortify our base.

KAA is definitely the man with the competency but misunderstood by his strong body language as being inaccessible.


Chief Obosu Mohammed

NPP Member, Mfantseman West