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Opinions of Sunday, 28 May 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Why is Ernest Owusu Bempah crying wolf over the 'Ye regye ye sika' demo?

Mr Ernest Owusu Bempah Mr Ernest Owusu Bempah

Mr Ernest Owusu Bempah, the Communications Director of the National Democratic Party (NDP) who has recently been appointed the Communications Director of the Ghana National Gas Company Limited by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, is trying his hardest to slander or mudslinging Mr Godsbrain Blessed Smart, alias Captain Smart, of Adom FM for masterminding and orchestrating the “Ye regye ye sika” demonstration held in Accra on Friday, 26 May 2017.

According to Owusu Bempah, Captain Smart has no moral grounds to stand on when it comes to tagging people as corrupt in Ghana for him, Captain Smart, accepted a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado from former President Mahama with further taking of GHS1.2 million from Ibrahim Mahama, the President’s brother, two weeks to Election 2016, to do some dirty work on radio for the then NDC ruling government.

Yes, "He who comes into equity must come with clean hands." However, as it stands now as according to Ernest Owusu Bempah, alias “Aboa Apapo”, Captain Smart lacks the integrity to call for the retrieval of public money and properties allegedly stolen by some politicians and top Civil servant officials.

In order not to spend my precious time for nothing, thus, going in circles, let me hit the nail right in the head. Ernest Owusu Bempah for all his reasons and concerns is being utterly mischievous or malicious and at best, envious of Captain Smart. He is exhibiting that typical Ghanaian mindedness of it should have been me but not him or her to bring out such and such noble idea. As long as it has not come from me, let me do whatever is possible to bring the originator of that noble idea down. This is what I currently see Ernest Owusu Bempah doing.

Yes, sometime past I had to put out a publication on Ghanaweb and Modernghana to lambast Captain Smart for depicting his ignorance about an issue pertaining to electric bulbs and their efficacy in driving away mosquitoes. He could be seen to be siding with the dubious intent to acquire wealth by a clearly NDC woman at the expense of public health. After my publication, whether or not he read it, he never revisited his intended support for that woman.

However, it does not mean that I should not support him if he came up with good intentions in future as it is now the case. Yes, he could have taken offers from former President Mahama and Ibrahim Mahama, both being renowned experts when it comes to perpetration of corruption. Nonetheless, the allegation against him as is vociferously viciously being propagated by Owusu Bempah in his vain attempts to put brakes on the good job started by Captain Smart will not wash.

If he has any credible evidence of commitment of corruption, bribery or extortion against Captain Smart, he had better present it to Economic of Organised Crime Office (EOCO) or the police or any recognised crime-fighting body in Ghana. This is the best suggestion and advice I can give to Ernest Owusu Bempah. His determination to rubbish Captain Smart with intent to derail the awareness he, Captain Smart, has created in the ordinary Ghanaian citizens giving them the courage to rise up to fight against official corruption, will not stick for the die is already cast.

When the die is cast, there is no turning back. Regardless of Captain Smart being tainted or not, Ghanaians will press ahead to hold the corrupt public office holders accountable. What has started will dissuade the current government appointees with Ernest Owusu Bempah included from involving themselves in corruption, for if they do, the ordinary citizens will confront them head-on to retrieve the money and/or cause their prosecution. Is it what has scared Owusu Bempah shitless to come up with his accusations no sooner than the demo has started?

The last time I checked, Captain Smart had not held any government or public service position. How could he then have embezzled public money unless he had done so by extension of President Mahama and Ibrahim Mahama stealing the taxpayers’ money and passing some to Captain Smart as being alleged by “Aboa Apapo” in which case Captain Smart becomes an accomplice?

Would Ernest Owusu Bempah please report Captain Smart to EOCO or cease forthwith his attempts to kill the people’s resolve to collect the taxpayers’ money from the discovered corrupt government appointees and public service officials dating from 1992 until present?

For the attention of Owusu Bempah, please go and read about the French revolution of 1789 and how it all started by some commoners in Marseille; gathered momentum with an increase in their number as they walked right from Marseille to Versailles in Paris to decapitate the Royals. This ended the French Monarchy to give rise to France as a Republic.

This will tell Owusu Bempah how serious what has started in Ghana is which he is taking it lightly with his spurious counter-accusation against Captain Smart. I am not here to support or defend Captain Smart but I am annoyed at the path embarked upon by Owusu Bempah to deliberately render the “Ye regye ye sika” less effective.

If Captain Smart was corrupt, I shall be happy to see him arrested and whatever he has stolen from the Republic retrieved from him, prosecuted, fined and/or jailed. Period!