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Opinions of Friday, 15 November 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Why is NDC Adamantly Against Official Investigation of Vikileaks?

? I really find NDC weird and that they have always been weirdos. They always support the wrong side of issues. Anytime all discerning Ghanaians are on one side questioning intelligently an arisen issue, one will only find the NDC congregating on the other side like ant-soldiers, vehemently opposing the issue. It only leaves one to ask rhetorically, are these people wise at all, and do they have the interest of the nation at heart?

? From their collective behaviour, one can only rightly conclude that the NDC as a big family is not only unintelligent but full to the brim of crooks or charlatans playing on the minds of others.

? One Victoria Hammah, prior to her dismissal from office was a Deputy Communications Minister in the current Mahama NDC-led government. She was given an instant dismissal as soon as her recorded diabolic conversations and gossips were divulged on airwaves. The public disclosures of her conversations that are full of crimes perpetrated and are still in perpetration by the NDC, their agents and assigns, sent a cold chill down the spine of both President Mahama and the rank and file of the NDC family.

? ? President Mahama panicked at the unexpected revelations of his government’s committed crimes and infatuation with evilness at this critical time that most Ghanaians are openly criticizing his deplorable governance.

? Victoria Hammah did indicate in her conversations that Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, arranged through her secret nocturnal visits to some of the Supreme Court judges sitting on Election 2012 petition to compromise justice in favour of John Dramani Mahama, alias President “Ede bii keke”

? This serious allegation made by no less a person than Her Excellency, Hon. Victoria Hammah, a Deputy Communications Minister in Mahama’s government, calls for thorough obligatory investigations into the matter, whether we like it or not. It is a serious crime that has infringed the Constitutional right of Ghanaians to choose a person of their choice to govern them through the exercise of their universal adult suffrage, if Victoria’s assertion is anything to go by.

? We cannot wish her assertions away with a whiff because prior to them becoming public knowledge, many an intelligent Ghanaian had their own suspicions about the credibility of the Supreme Court verdict. The verdict was clearly corrupted. It was in direct contradiction to what honest Ghanaians with integrity had expected concluding from the evidence gathered and opinions formed following viewing the live telecast of the Court proceedings. ? ? I personally smelled rat when Justice William Atuguba, now allegedly in the grips of Nana Antoa Nyamaa, the dreaded fetish shrine in Ashanti region, for contempt of the shrine, announced his most disgraceful Supreme Court verdict of the century.

? The case must be investigated to either confirm our suspicions or refute them. We should not listen to these NDC rogues who always stand to benefit from illegalities and crimes when it comes to issues of vital concern to the State. Why should we always sit down while this clique of “Ghanaian rogues, thieves, greedy bastards, old and young evil dwarfs, babies with vampire fangs, monsters and party sycophants", takes the majority of Ghanaians for fools? ? All those asking for the case not to be investigated, e.g. Nyaho Nyaho Tamaklo, a wayward child of the NPP, are all crooks who stand to lose their benefits of some sort if the case turns out to be true. Some little minds are asking if the allegation turns out to be true what at all will it do for Ghanaians. It is a waste of time so we should just forget about it, and allow Mahama to do his job, these little-minded Ghanaians say. ? ? If it turns out to be true, Mahama will be forced out of office whether he likes it or not. It will also confirm how the 9-member panel of Supreme Court judges that sat on the case are not only irresponsible, liars but also men and women without integrity, especially, Atuguba, Akoto-Bamfo, Adinyirah, Gbedabge and Baffoe-Bonnie. ? ? I hope, no King or chief, members of the Peace Council etc. will get involved in this case. Once bitten, twice shy. I have heard that a chief went to Accra to meet some Government Ministers. Whoever that king is, my advice to him is, please stay out of this case. It is not always that your name is dragged in the mud like an insane person who never learns. Or, that king, whoever he is, should learn a bitter lesson from how an Ashanti king has recently been castigated for issues involving same Election 2012 petition. ? ? I will soon be focusing on issues involving the Kumawu chieftaincy disputation and how things are unfolding. Are some Asanteman Amanhene seriously wishing to install a person of their choice as Kumawuhene in order to inflict, “create, loot and share” broad daylight robbery on Kumawu and the people therein? They do not sympathise with the inhabitants, how they have suffered deprivation over the years because of the selfishness and greediness of one or two persons. ? ? A word of caution to those who seek the downfall of Ghana, especially Kumawu, I say, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. ? ? THE BATTLE IS STILL THE LORD’S! God has listened to the supplications and wailings of the suffering Ghanaian masses hence, all these recent developments. ? ? Over to you, DJ Sources of Sources radio UK FM 96.3. ? ? Rockson Adofo