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Opinions of Saturday, 29 January 2022

Columnist: Joseph Bawa

Why the Black Stars is never our problem as a country and need not be crucified

Black Stars winning a World Cup will not solve corruption and bribery Black Stars winning a World Cup will not solve corruption and bribery

Now I write this brief cogitation first of all as a CHRISTIAN (because my faith enjoins me to take a keen interest in state affairs because if the country fails it will affect my faith).

Secondly, as a CITIZEN (because I have the constitutional right to express my opinion within the limit in the interest of Ghana) and third, as a SOCIAL SCIENTIST (because I have been trained academically to investigate the problems of society consciously to come out with suggestions for the overall public good).

I have been wondering why and how the seemingly historical painful exit of the Black Stars in the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations Tournament in Cameroon, has suddenly been seen as an unprecedented, holistic and indelible, anamnestic national crisis in the annals of Ghana’s political, social and economic anatomy.

Suddenly, the nation was spearheaded surprisingly and unsurprisingly, by Politicians especially and some sections of the public which is very normal (including football fanatics, analysts, connoisseurs, and sympathisers).

The problem of this country is never Black Stars. Alas, we should desist from becoming hypocrites by not throwing the Black Stars out of the ship thinking that they are the reason for our woes. We are living in a polarised society along NPP and NDC lines.

I hope we have not forgotten how our MPs recently created a mess in the political history of Ghana with the recent disturbing fracas and throwing of punches in Parliament over the E-Levy Bill. Even in Parliament, the assembly of noblemen and women was turned into a boxing arena. I do not know if they truly appreciate the political title on them as “HONOURABLES".

Unfortunately, some self-seeking spiritual ministers of state (Electoral Prophets or Partisan Prophets who dress in partisan clothing instead of divine clothing) with their churches as Ministries are now playing the role of the EC. They claim to predict the outcomes of elections for their respective political parties.

So sad these spiritual ministers of state do not know the God they claim is the inspiration behind their electoral prophetic declarations. I do not actually want to commit the sin of blasphemy (the only sin that cannot be forgiven [Matthew 12:31-32]) as a Christian but how can these spiritual ministers of state give opposing declarations from the same God they claim to worship? But the Word of God (Christ) says a divided kingdom cannot stand (Mark 3:25). So are they trying to make the Christian God a liar and a God of confusion?

Now let us come to you and I as citizens. Our problem is our attitude. As a people, our individual attitude is what is having a national reflection. We are quick to condemn leaders yet we do not want to take the attitudinal blame. It is this our bad attitudinal culture that we take to the various positions of the state. The typical public servant reports to the workplace late yet closes very early.

Some nurses behave as if they were forced into the profession. They are so inhumane to patients. Some teachers too have no passion but just decided to go to the training school for the sake of job security. Once I finish, by all means, I will get posted, is the motivation for becoming a teacher or a nurse and not with any passion to serve. There has still not been a solution to exam leakages from WAEC.

Some of the traders are full of dishonesty in their dealings. They are so selfish and corrupt that they perpetuate price hiking. Their aim is to make unreasonable profits. Some drivers and mates have no culture of respect. They talk to passengers anyhow and behave as if they are rather doing a favour to commutants.

They just childishly and primitively urinate around their car tyres on the road. I have witnessed and personally confronted some of these uncultured people. They have compromised with some corrupt police officers and therefore can drive without a license and be praised even for reckless driving.

Some predatory men in authority (both private and public) are taking advantage of the vulnerability of innocent ladies to demand sex for employment and other favours.

Some so-called academics and so-called influential people are also pushing for LGBTQ rights which is an affront to the Ghanaian culture on a seemingly so-called intellectual and humanistic basis that has no contextual merit and bearing, and are oblivious of the cultural relativity of human rights.

Black Stars winning a World Cup will not solve corruption and bribery, unemployment, poor infrastructure, the growth of abandoning orphan projects by NDC and NPP, poor condition of a public servant, polarisation and divisiveness based on party lines (NPP and NDC), the problematic attitude of we the citizens, ethnocentrisms and the typical hypocrisy of Ghanaians as people.

As a Christian, it saddens my heart how we Christians who are the majority everywhere are not portraying the light and salt that Christ demands from us to make a positive impact in our world.

In conclusion, as a nation, we must admit that our problem is more than the Black Stars and come together and reason along with the overall public good for today and tomorrow. Let us put away our bad attitude which is stifling institutional growth in general.

The NDC and NPP must not be the drivers of national divisiveness with the politics of equalisation and lack of elite political consensus. Both parties must stop inciting their supporters against each other.

We must accept that it is never a mistake to be a Ghanaian and stay with the right Ghanaian attitude.

God bless our Homeland Ghana, make our nation great and proud, and help us resist all forms of oppressive rule.