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Opinions of Sunday, 23 June 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Why the Hoo-ha about CHIRAJ's Report on Election 2012?

I am really pissed off about the needless attention and publicity being accorded the outdated report on Election 2012 by the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ). The Ghana media with their overseas online affiliates in general, and the News programme presenters in particular, are not doing Ghana any good service on this particular subject. They make their listeners believe the report is current. Nevertheless, it is as old as Methuselah. It isas dead as a log left to rot in oblivion in the darkest depths of the oceans.

I wonder why a report written and placed in the public domain on 10 December 2012, a day after the conniving obstinate Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Dr Afari Gyan, had declared the results. CHRAJ in her report had said "although there were some irregularities and challenges during Election 2012, they were not significant enough to affect the outcome of the results". This was their view then. They were not aware on the horrendous scale of irregularities taken place as are unfolding today due to the farsightedness, intelligence and fortitude of Nana Akufo Addo, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey and the entire leadership of the NPP. I am persuaded if they knew they would not have hastened to put out a report that makes them look bad in the eyes of discerning Ghanaians. They stand to lose the credibility and public trust they have been enjoying for all this while.

Ask CHRAJ today and they will express an entirely different view. Same as many dishonest and apparently naive people initially believed Alfred Agbesi Woyome had genuinely worked for, or deserved the GHC51.2 million obtained on pretext of breach of contract, but now find he faked documents to fraudulently avail himself of the money, so is election 2012 turning out.

I do not have to wear myself out on this subject as all that I have said so far are more than enough to send home the message I intend putting across to Ghanaians. Simply put, the screeching and squeaking NDC propaganda machine grounding to a halt is putting up a last minute, but bound to fail attempt, to survive the current weighty pink sheets drowning them in the SEA of IRREGULARITIES, that is, statutory violations.

CHRAJ's report is as irrelevant today as Kwesi Pratt's nonsensical defence of Betty Mould-Iddrusi when she was summoned before Economic and Organised Crimes Organisation (EOCO) to be queried about how she facilitated Woyome's acquisition of the now dubious GHC51.2 million. All that Uncle Kwesi was interested in was Betty-the-Thief's fluency in the Queen's language (English). Kwesi went on radio programmes as a panellist only to make a fool of himself expressing infantile views contrary to the truth. Now all Ghanaians are witnessing the truth, contrary to the view held by the NDC propaganda machine of which Kwesi Pratt is a diehard adherent.

I will plead with all news presenters to tell or state the date when the CHRAJ's report was prepared or came out - 10 December 2012. With the true date mentioned, people will be able to suggest the motive behind the NDC publishing the report again, today. They are seeking sympathy and credence from the public but they will have none of that. We are overwhelmed by the truth contained in the pink sheets to the contrary, the confusions, contradictions and lies by Dr Afari Gyan and Asiedu Nketiah, to be able to trust CHRAJ's report. The report has never been trusted by me from Day One, anyway.

Rockson Adofo