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Opinions of Monday, 17 November 2008

Columnist: Dagbang, Doo

Why they preferred Akuffo-Addo to Aliu Mahama?

In this computerized and information era where almost everybody is striving to catch up with the global trend of development with whatever means available through self-help initiatives, political lobbying, Non-Governmental Organizations etc, it is very surprising and heart-breaking some people, including very educated ones still live and think like those in the pre-stone age. At times, it's like those in the pre-stone age and in the stone age proper thought and reasoned better than these so called "Human Beings" in this 21st Century's information age.

The first name the NPP presidential candidate, Hon Akuffo-Addo considered for submission to his council of elders for consideration as his running mate was Hon Malik Yakubu, the MP for Yendi. "*Alhaji Malik Alhassan Yakubu, the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament and a son of Dagbon, was supposed to have been Nana Akufo-Addo's obvious choice for the vice presidential slot". "Speaking on Joy FM's current affairs programme, the Front Page, a former party chairman, Samuel Odoi-Sykes said, the NPP presidential candidate, had earlier expressed strong interest in Alhaji Malik Alhassan Yakubu, who is also the Member of Parliament for Yendi".** (**Sou*rce:

The one billion cedi question one therefore asks is "why did Hon Akuffo-Addo first settle on Hon Malik when he (Malik) was largely accused of and believed to have master-minded the murdering and beheading of the late Ya Naa, Yakubu Andani II that caused him his Interior Ministerial post in 2002? The answer is simple. A greater percentage of the Abudus support NPP not because they want the NPP to help them develop and move forward but purely for chieftaincy sake; Hon Malik is believed to be the kingpin of that. This is the main reason why Hon Malik has massive support within the Abudus than even the vice president, His Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama.

Indeed, when the NPP supporters and delegates in Dagbon gathered at Aboaboo, around the NPP Northern Regional Office in Tamale to depart for last year's congress in Legon to elect their flag bearer, uncountable number of buses had the posters of Hon Akuffo-Addo but that of His Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama could be counted. The only two buses that had the posters of Alhaji Aliu could not even be filled. Those in and around Tamale knew definitely that Alhaji Aliu, if he was to win the contest, then, that of Dagbon, his home was totally out. However, charity, as they say, begins at home. If he couldn't win Dagbon (his home) votes, how could he then win the entire NPP national delegates' votes? The outcome of the NPP presidential candidature election in Legon was thus clear for everybody to see.

It is very interesting to note that while a son of Dagbon and the sitting vice president in the name of Alhaji Aliu Mahama was vying for the position of the NPP presidential slot, another son of Dagbon in the name of Hon Alhaji Malik Yakubu was seriously campaigning to canvass votes for Hon Akuffo-Addo in Dagbon in the name of chieftaincy. He and his allies' main campaign message to the NPP Abudus was that "Nana would help us perform our funeral if he became the president". That Aliu Mahama has failed them; he couldn't help them to perform the funeral of the deposed Ya Naa from the Abudus who died as an ordinary citizen. So, that if Akuffo-Addo became the NPP's flag bearer, he (Malik) would be picked as the running mate and then they would fulfill the mission of performing that funeral. MY GOD, WHAT A PROMISE? Was it therefore surprising that Hon Malik Yakubu was the main person Hon Akuffo-Addo considered for his running mate according to Odoi-Sykes? Absolute NO; to help him accomplish their mission.

When most Ghanaians are yearning for positive developments in their lives and communities, a large fraction of Abudus within Dagbon and Ghana at large are still in total darkness wanting political power to perform "unproductive" funerals that wouldn't add anything meaningful to their lives. This is why most of my Abudu brothers are not even concerned about the repercussion of the current situation in Dagbon in years to come on our un-borne children and great grand-children but for the only and only funeral that would turn them into "first class citizens" and Dagbon into a "first class state". They don't care about the current state of underdevelopment and the rising increase of "kaayaaye" (most of whom are our sisters from Dagbon) on the streets of Makola and Adum in Accra and Kumasi respectively but "chieftaincy funerals". WHAT A SHAME?

The politicians have realized this and are therefore using it to the ultimate to achieve their political ambitions. Whilst in the heat of the crises (i.e. some few days after the late Ya Naa's brutal murder) with many people yet to come to terms with it, the then Attorney General and Minister for Justice and now the NPP flag bearer, Hon Akuffo-Addo made a remark in parliament that the funeral of the late Ya Naa's predecessor was paramount. That it should be performed before any move could be taken. Is this therefore not the same stand as that of the typical Abudus? That funeral was so important to them that they had to kill the then existing king to pave way for its performance. He (Hon Akuffo-Addo) wasn't concerned about the king and those who lost their lives with him; his main concern was the performance of a funeral which is the stand of most Abudus. Can one therefore say, "LIKE ABUDU, LIKE AKUFFO-ADDO"?

People very closed to the Dagombas who are with Akuffo-Addo would testify that he (Akuffo-Addo) has so much interest in the Dagbon chieftaincy issue than even late Mahamadu Abdulai, the man whose funeral is causing all these mess. Why so? I believe (I stand to be corrected) in order for him to fulfill his promises to the Abudus. This is the main reason why Hon Akuffo-Addo is more popular within the Abudu Dagombas than even the first Dagbon to have risen to the level of the 2nd highest office of the land in the person of His Excellency Alhaji Aliu Mahama (aka LIDRA).

In conclusion, I want to appeal to all citizens of Dagbon that, no matter what, we are one and can never change to any tribe no matter the situation. We shouldn't therefore allow any outsiders to destroy any sign of unity within us in order to fulfill their political ambitions. Whiles we are being destroyed, their chiefs and communities are being developed and propagated always. So, let's wise up and reason well NOW in order for our future generations not to CURSE us. GOD HELP US!

Source: Dagbang Doo ([email protected])