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Opinions of Saturday, 6 March 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Why this threat of 'If you dare me' by some Ghanaian politicians?

Sammy Gyamfi, NDC communication officer Sammy Gyamfi, NDC communication officer

It has become one too many, the threats of “if you dare me, I shall expose you by revealing all your secrets to the public”, by some Ghanaians within the Ghana political arena. These empty threats which keep not materialising, although repetitive as they are, do not sit well with me.

Some of these people who do threaten others in this manner, in my mind, should not see themselves as saints doing good service to the nation. No, they are not! They are rather unknowingly aiding and emboldening the supposed criminals to commit which ever crimes they are privy to but unwilling to reveal to the public.

How many times has one Kwame Appiah Stadium, an activist of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), a stooge or sycophant to former President John Dramani Mahama, by his own acknowledgments, actions and words, not threatened to expose certain members of the NDC by revealing their criminal activities should they dare him?

Had he not even threatened them with his readiness to reveal his little or voluminous knowledge of their involvements in the demise of the late President Professor Evans Atta Mills and how illegally they are amassing wealth should they continue to denigrate or sabotage his lord John Dramani Mahama, whose faeces he has promised to be ready to eat?

How many times have we not heard Samuel Koku Anyidoho, the former Deputy General Secretary of the NDC, come out to threaten that should he be pushed to the wall by certain people within the NDC or the NDC as a party, he is ready to spill the beans? Has this not even raised suspicions in the mind of certain Ghanaians to the fact he knows how and who played a role, whether malicious or creditable, in the death of then sitting President Atta Mills?

Has he not said many a time that in the NDC, their leadership coach them to insult certain personalities in the country and tell lies about them, especially those in the New Patriotic Party (NPP)? Was he not once requested by a certain important personality or personalities in the NDC to start verbal attacks on the Founder of the NDC, the late former President Flt. Lt. Jerry John Rawlings, but only to be warned against any such move by then sitting President Professor Evans Atta Mills?

As recently as three days ago, the NDC supporters in the Asawase Constituency in Kumasi in the Ashanti region, have issued a statement of warning to the loquacious, most disrespectful, most lying propagandist and unprofessional lawyer Sammy Gyamfi, an NDC Communication Officer. In their warning statement, they threatened as usual to expose Sammy Gyamfi should he extend his nonsensical attacks on people to their respected parliamentarian Alhaji Muntaka Muburak.

Sammy Gyamfi has, following the plenary certification of ministerial nominees, Dr Afriyie-Akoto, Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson and Kodjo Oppong Nkrumah, by parliament, taken Muntaka, Haruna Iddrisu and Alban Bagbin to the cleaners. He claims the NDC parliamentarians should have respected the direction to them by the NDC Functional Committee to reject the mentioned nominees but not to approve them. He sees the NDC leadership in parliament as defying the orders by the party when the named nominees were approved by parliament.

These Muntaka supporters although questioned how Sammy Gyamfi obtained the two VE 8 cars he is using and the luxury life-style he is enjoying, they threatened to reveal all his secrets should he continue with the attacks he has started on Mutaka Muburak.

What dirty secrets do these guys in the political arena and powers of corridor know and are holding to their chest but dare to spill should they be challenged?

They should not think in their warped minds that they are doing any good service to the nation and the people of Ghana with such boastful but empty threats. They are rather the enemies of the republic and are as equally guilty as those they threaten to expose. If they can’t expose them for a good or bad number of reasons, they had better shut their mouth up for it takes two to tango.

What a bunch of criminals parading in the corridors of power or the political arena of Ghana! If you can’t name the criminals and their crimes, don’t mention it at all.

While they are serving their selfish interests, we have teeming clueless individuals calling themselves party activists ready to die doing their masters bidding when thrown a ten Cedi note as heard or alleged to have transpired during election 2020, only to instantaneously change their mind to vote a certain direction contrary to their held persuasions. Is it not only a fool who will do that at the cost of their future individual prosperity and the collective interest of the nation and the people?

We had better grow up and behave responsibly as a nation and people for Ghana is 64 years today! She was born on 6 March 1957, the day she had her independence from the British Colonial government.