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Opinions of Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Why waste our limited resources on an Ex-President?

As it has been established that Ghana spent US$60 million (GH¢60,179,481) in celebrating its 50th anniversary (Ghana@50) in 2007without achieving any significant outcome of universal improvement in key areas for example, sanitation, education, health, economy.

Reports from Ghana discloses that the nation still owes huge sums of money to Fairilopp Company, the motor firm that imported luxury vehicles for use during the celebration.

Also within the government's transition team disclosed to the Daily Graphic that five accounts, four at Prudential Bank and one at the Bank of Ghana, were operated by the authorities in the name of the project.

The country also spent GH¢ 176million on the Jubilee House when we also had a functional Castle equipped for the Ex- President. Money which could have been spend elsewhere if identified needs of the communities.

The Ex President was kidding the world and Ghanaians trying to satisfy is own self esteem and ego.

Ghanaian are speechless to hear that a package as per link is what has been proposed by him and his team for an Ex President. Our children are still using under big trees as classrooms in this 21st Century, many communities are without the basic amenities, for example libraries, decent public toilets, town halls in every town and village.

Our cities centres and surrounding towns are littered with filth and most villages are without running water let alone electricity.

Sanitation is poor and most cities centres, town, and villages although we have DCE whose are responsible for developmental issues around these places.

In the mist of all these the Ex President used tax payer money on projects which only gratified his own ego.

Many Ghanaians in Diaspora saw the whole picture of mismanaged Government who lacked of insight as to exactly identified needs of the Ghana.

The Government was living in an “Alice the Wonderland dream world” The Ex – President deliberately so many created Ministerial posts instead of empowering and enabling senior civil servants. This created posts appears as if they were created to please his favourite rather than a functional post.

To add to wound Ex- President Kuffour has clearly mastered minded his exit package thinking Ghanaians would buy the idea to see him off. This is a form of “Kweku Ananse” type of plan A. I wonder what his plan B master plan would be?

How could we anyway? Ghanaians saw our Ex President behaving like the Foreign Minister travelling around the globe thus ignoring any concerns from domestic to global concerns e.g. carbon emissions.

I’m sure the Ex- President will now realised that he failed to maximise the potentials of his own chosen Ambassadors around the globe who had by far the credential to do some of the jobs that he wasted Taxpayers on. He failed to fully delegate responsibilities.

It would have been right in these modern times for the any President to update them themselves with the true motivator of organisational development. Which are enabling achievement of others, acknowledge efforts of others by recognition, work itself responsibility, encouraging the environment for advancement and personal growth.

On reflection on the behaviour of our Ex President it appears the drawback of his leadership was that he lacked of the above qualities. It might have been assumed that a President will have these qualities.

Ex -President was too full of himself that when the opportunity came for him to go the White house he went with his entire household perhaps including his cooking utensils too. It would be interesting to conduct an investigation there as well to find out how much taxpayers money was spend for that trip alone.

His former college I believe might want our Ex President to lend a hand in the re-engineering that college.

Finally the Ex President again gratified himself with a Golden award for his hard work while in office.

Well our Ex – President has networked with VIP globally perhaps this is the time use his influence and connections do something for a good cause by helping his former college or his own village because the late Saddam Hussein of Iraq with all his fault in life uplifted his own village into a reasonable pleasant place.