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Opinions of Sunday, 19 September 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Wicked be that 'power-from-above' seeking to kill Bishop Owusu Bempah

Founder and leader of Glorious World Power Ministries International, Reverend Owusu Bempah Founder and leader of Glorious World Power Ministries International, Reverend Owusu Bempah

I have never been, and will never be, a fan of that absurd, dehumanizing, abusive, and lawless syndromic “power-from-above”. The application or citation of the nonsensical “power-from-above” to tramping upon the rights of certain individuals in Ghana is sickening and becoming unbecoming.

The ugly “power-from-above” was evoked by the Rawlings’ Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) to confiscate the factory, International Tobacco Ghana Limited, (ITG), belonging to the late Benjamin Amponsah Mensah, popularly known as B. A. Mensah. He was not only my Kumawu compatriot but my father-in-law by extension of my marriage to his senior brother’s daughter.

The same “power-from-above” has been cited variously under the subsequent administrations to commit acts of infringements on people’s fundamental human rights. A few years ago, COP Nathan Kofi Boakye who was the Police Commander of the Ashanti region, resorted to the same bestial “power-from-above” finally discovered to have been issued by the delusional Asante overlord who believes to be more powerful than anyone in Ghana and even the laws of the land, to intimidate or kill the true and preferred royal wished by Kumawuman subjects to ascend to the Kumawu paramount Kodua stool.

That unknown but ugly animal called “power-from-above” has each time it is cited meant for doing evil things. A few days ago, it reared its ugly head in the ongoing incident involving Reverend/Prophet Isaac Owusu Bempah and his boys on one hand and that “419” Okomfo Agradaa and the police on the other.

Owusu Bempah either out of shock or whatever, found himself taken ill after his arrest and police cells incarceration. He was rushed to the police hospital at Cantonments in Accra and put on a drip.

However, for absolutely stupid and show-off reasons, a “power-from-above” beast reared its ugly-horny head to get one of his arms not only handcuffed and hooked to the hospital bed but his drip removed without any medical doctor or nurse’s permission and whisked back to his police cell remand.

Who is that animal called “power-from-above” that is often brought to terrorize people? If it is a human being, could it be the President of the Republic who is the ultimate originator of power other than the nominal constitution? Could it be the Vice President, the Interior Minister, the Inspector General of Police, the delusional Asante Overlord, or any other powerful politician in Ghana? I really want to know!

Anyway, be it known to all those infatuated with abusive citation of “power-from-above” to note this one thing. In the civilized Whiteman’s land, when a murderer-prisoner sentenced to death falls ill prior to their execution day, they are rushed to the hospital to be treated. They will never be executed when they are seriously ill. Why do they not allow them to die since “all-die-be-die” and that they have been condemned to death?

They show a human face, sympathy, and rationality even when they are going to kill you. If it were not so, we would not have laws protecting animals’ rights and even insisting on how they are killed without inflicting much pain on them in the process. With this said, whoever ordered the drip to be removed from Owusu Bempah without a doctor’s approval but serving their parochial show of power is a BIG FOOL and a POTENTIAL CRIMINAL MURDERER. I say this without fear or favour.

That nonsense should not be allowed to perpetuate the Ghanaian system because someone has been elected or appointed to a higher position which although is like a blooming flower in the morning that withers away and falls off in the evening after suffering the intensity of the scorching Sun.

Does whoever removed him from the drip know that he was in effect on intent to commit murder? Was the doctor who put him on the drip so stupid to do that if Owusu Bempah was not actually sick?

I wield a sharpened double-sided dagger that cuts both ways. If the perpetrator of a crime is wrong, I shall say it. If the victim of a crime is wrong, I shall also say it. I shall never spare the rod to spoil our leaders or the ordinary citizens of the nation.

Much as I support IGP Dampare in fighting crimes that are getting out of control in the nation, I shall not condone any acts of dishonesty, discrimination, and abuse, by him.

Even though it is good of him to use a big fish like Owusu Bempah to show to Ghanaians his intolerance of lawlessness in the country, he should learn to know where a human face needs to be put up.

No one is above the law. No one can be sure of not entangling themselves in the law until their dying day.

Finally, let all Ghanaians learn to respect the law or else, its long arm will reach you and punish you should you break it.