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Opinions of Thursday, 25 November 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

Will Boakye Djan Please Shut The Hell Up!

A couple of days ago, excepts of an interview given to a magazine outlet were posted
on this forum. It was the former spokesperson of the AFRC; Maj. Boakye Djan playing
the pontiff by seemingly exposing the stupidity of Rawlings the menace. In the
interview he challenged Rawlings to distinguish between a military rule and a
constitutional rule, which we all know Rawlings doesn't know, hence his position as
a pest in the vine of democracy. Folks, before I cut to the chase let me preface by
saying the title of this article is not in anyway, shape, manner or form in defends
of Rawlings, (a criminal legitimized by our sham constitution), but as a proponent
of democratic tenets, I find it very annoying to hear Boakye Djan blow his irritable

Prior to the June 4th '79 coup, the prep up to democratization was in cruise
control. Political parties had been formed, the constitution was drafted and the
entire nation was elated about the prospects of a civilian rule that loomed on the
horizon. Rawlings who was seating in jail as the result of a batched coup at that
time, was whisked out of jail by this same Boakye Djan who now wants us to believe
he knows more about constitutional rule and parliamentary maneuvers. Since then
Rawlings has become the subject of our democracy with his devoid of common sense
coupled with millions of stolen money at his miserable disposal, whiles Boakye Djan
the Architect of the June 4th uprising lives in petty. Before I handle this cry
baby, let me take a detour by postulating to readers and commentators this question;
Why will Boakye Djan who claims to be politically astute, decree a thing with
Rawlings whom he claims can't distinguish between constitutional rule and military
rule under a tree, and implement it in 2 hours.. What a fish story.

Boakye Djan let me tell you something, if you can't reach the top of the tree to
pluck the apple you so desires, don't call it a bad fruit. You came out swinging at
Rawlings out of jealousy. If you had benefitted financially from the coffers of the
nation as he has, you would be dancing to his vituperate tunes as his devotees does
day in and day out. Like him or hate him, this twerp you imposed on us is a force to
be reckoned with. Also, if you are well vexed in constitutional matters as you
claim, you wouldn't have interrupted the democratic process by engineering the June
4th coup. Columnist and commentators to this forum have been exposing the rabbit
trails of Rawlings and we don't need you to tell us he is intellectually deficient.
We know he is a criminal and so are you for foisting him on us. So please shut the
hell up! I would've deemed you credible had you taken full responsibility for the
pungent presence of this cultic moron on our political stage who continues to make a
mockery of our Republic. And if it had not been for the lord whom I fear, I would
have called you a stupid man, but I will shelve that till you come out with another
self deprecating trash. Shut your pig already.

By Kwadwo Poku N Y