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Opinions of Friday, 28 March 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Will Ghanaians Continue to be Docile Even if….?

I am persuaded the docility of Ghanaians will not forever continue to be dictated and controlled by custom and tradition. Ghanaians in general have an obligatory attitude to respect their elders regardless of how irresponsible or disrespectful the elder is. This attitude will surely change much as many Ghanaians are open to Western civilization and have travelled abroad to live among the Whites. They will not continue to remain docile but will question the deplorable attitudes of both our traditional and public office holders most of whom have turned into modern day "Alibaba and his forty thieves"


Kwaku Mensah: Rockson, your assumption on this matter is very credible. Ghanaians seem to be too involved in paying undue homage to our leaders, especially, the traditional heads. However, these chiefs and queens do not reciprocate the kindness shown to them by their subjects but rather, take those according them that excessive reverence for idiots. They think it is the obligation of the less fortunate subjects to kowtow to them irrespective of the situation.


Alfred Asiamah: Rockson has always been right even if he is often emotional when expressing his views, insisting on the rights and duties of Ghanaians. Why should we sit down when we have leaders that are always messing people around? Our political leaders as well as our traditional heads in whom we have trust, and subsequently entrusted our lives and welfare into their hands are just behaving far worse than rogues. It is about time we told them off. We are no longer in the 17th Century where they had absolute power to excommunicate subjects from their kingdoms or principalities for trivial offences or for no offence committed at all.


Rockson: Guys, hear this classical example of how modern day Ghanaian chiefs are still wielding power abusively. Asantehene is about to celebrate his 15th year anniversary of his ascension to the Golden Stool as the Overlord of Asanteman. Subsequently, he has declared almost two months total public and private abstention from organising funerals, beating drums in public etc. while he prepares and celebrates his anniversary. What is the sense in such draconian rule or order imposed on the citizens of Asanteman? Is his ultimatum to the chiefs under him to ensure complete obeisance of his order within the statute books of Ghana?


Kwaku Mensah: Not as far as I know. There is nothing in the Chieftaincy Act that allows Kings, Chiefs and Queens anywhere in the Republic to ban public activities for any length of time that suits their ego, caprices and idiosyncrasy. If there is any, how long and how often does it allow for such bans without infringing the rights of the citizens or subjects?


Alfred Asiamah: What is he seeking to justify by the anniversary celebration? He has nothing credible to show for his occupancy of the throne but pain, suffering and disgrace to his people. Is it to celebrate fifteen years of cheating, using his powers corruptively to deny certain persons of their birth right as it is the case of Kumawu? Is he not ashamed of having Ashantis relegated to slave status under his watch by the actions of the current government with which he has perfect buddy relationship with its leader who doubles as the President of Ghana?


Rockson: I am not partaking in the said celebrations. The Bible advises us not to have any portion in the activities of fools. I was highly flabbergasted and had to turn off my Smart phone on which I could hear the "Nsumankwaahene" granting a radio interview to a radio station in Ghana on Wednesday, 26 March 2014. He was questioned by the interviewer/radio presenter about the relevance of the ban and the consequences to anyone breaking it?


Kwaku Mensah: Cuts in saying, yes I heard him too. He said it is tradition that such periods are observed under conditions as declared and that not only those abusing the order but any chief who allows any of their subjects to flout the order will be dealt with drastically. What tradition is he talking about? He made mention of Saturday, 29 March 2014 being "Mmemeneda Dapaa" followed by Sunday "Akwasidee" etc. Therefore the ban starts from Saturday 29th March 2014 until May 21st or 25th, 2014.


Alfred Asiamah: What have those mentioned traditional days observed with reverence and fear to the departed souls, gods and spirits to do with a public ban on activities emanating from the Asante Overlord celebrating his 15th year of ascension to the Golden Stool? What a 15 years of ignominy!


Kwaku Mensah: Ghana is doomed if the enlightened youth do not take the responsibility upon themselves to fight the abuse of power in the society. Our chiefs are crooks and corrupt. Our traditional leaders are in bed with political thieves and so have become far worse corrupt and lost their sense of belonging. They talk about tradition but they themselves do not observe them unless where it suits them.


Alfred Asiamah: Kwaku, have you forgotten when we used to say, "Kwaku Mensah bin ye de ye nkatekwan di" whenever we saw you when we were growing up as kids? You were always furious and fighting those that said that to you. How will you feel today if anyone says that to you?


Kwaku Mensah: Oh, those good old days in Kumawu. Do you still remember all these? I won’t bother. I will even be happier that my shit is worthy of someone’s soup. Hahahahaa!


Alfred Asiamah: Why not. My retentive memory is still sharp.


Rockson: Hey guys, I am dozing off. Let us call it a day.


Alfred Asiamah: Good night then.


Kwaku Mensah: Good day all. However, be it noted that Ghanaians will not be submissive to our abusing leaders forever. They will react to assert their proper freedom if the leaders do not steer clear of the abusive path they have obstinately taken to. "It does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps". "A word to the wise is enough2.


The above conversation was a telephone conference held between Rockson in London, Alfred in Germany and Kwaku in Australia on the night of Thursday, 27 March 2014. Its publication is to convey a message to our leaders about how their subjects think of them.


Rockson Adofo