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Opinions of Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

Will the coronavirus be with us indefinitely?

File photo/Coronavirus File photo/Coronavirus

Will the coronavirus remain around indefinitely? Many people are curious about the answer to this question.

However, it is possible that it may stay a part of our everyday lives for the next three years, even if a vaccine is discovered, according to scientist Hendrik Streck, whose opinion was quoted in the British edition of Metro.

Professor Hendrik Streck, a famous German virologist, predicted that COVID-19 outbreaks will occur on a regular basis until at least 2023.

In Heinsberg, one of Germany's hardest-hit areas, the virologist oversaw the pandemic response.

This infection is not going away, he warned. It has now become a part of our everyday lives. In three years, he'll be here and we will have to figure out how to live with him.

According to the expert, the most effective strategy to contain the coronavirus in the next years will continue to be social distancing. Large epidemics, he believed, would be caused by super-spreading activities like house parties.

We know that social isolation, avoiding large crowds, and hiding one's face can have a significant impact on infection, he stated. If you have a high infection rate, there are easy methods that can help limit the spread."

Prof Streck stated that the vaccine will most likely be discovered, but that it may take some time to develop. We don't know if the vaccine is the answer, he said.

We will almost certainly have a vaccine, but it may not be until next year or later.

The World Health Organization has stated that the pandemic should be over in two years. This forecast was based on the two-year recovery time from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic.

While the entire world is fighting the coronavirus, the flu season is approaching - the seasonal peak happens in the autumn and winter, and vaccinations are beginning now.

This year, WHO reports lower influenza activity: the season has not yet begun in the southern hemisphere, while activity in the northern hemisphere has remained below off-season levels. True, it is far too soon to draw any judgments.

Current influenza surveillance results should be viewed with caution, the World Health Organization advised, since the current COVID-19 pandemic may have influenced health-seeking behavior to varying degrees.

Furthermore, the pandemic may have had an impact on workforce levels, as well as testing priorities and capabilities. Various hygiene and isolation procedures taken by Member States to decrease SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission may have also helped to prevent influenza virus transmission.

In the coming epidemic season, new strains are likely. The WHO's efforts, which regularly monitor and offer recommendations on which strains should be included in the vaccine, allowed them to be
discovered in advance.

Seasonal influenza A viruses accounted for the vast majority of infections diagnosed worldwide, according to the WHO website.

Of the influenza A subtype viruses, 25% were influenza An (H1N1) pdm09, and 75% were influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 (H3N2). According to the World Health Organization, 100% of the viruses characterized belonged to the B-Victoria lineage, with none belonging to the B-Yamagata lineage.

The flu shot is recommended for everyone, although certain populations are at higher risk. The elderly, pregnant women, children under the age of five, persons with chronic diseases and immunosuppressive
conditions, such as HIV, chemotherapy, and malignant neoplasms, are among those WHO lists.