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Opinions of Monday, 17 January 2022

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Wise up, fellow Ghanaian 'burgers' visiting home or else, you get poisoned

People are advised not to trust other people with their lives People are advised not to trust other people with their lives

As it is very obvious about the proud son of Kumawu/Asiampa soil, the defender of the defenseless and the sharer of personal views for the collective benefit, safety and protection of people, especially Ghanaians, he is here today with an important message for all Ghanaians residing abroad.

The urgent message in this publication is for the attention of all Ghanaian “burgers”, thus, Ghanaians residing outside Ghana, especially, in the white man’s land. You and I know that we are called “burgers” when we visit home (Ghana) for holidays or relocate permanently for a reason or the other. If you are a “borger”, this message may concern you. It is for your own good, so please, hear ye me!

Two recent videos out of many such stories that have come to my attention via my WhatsApp platform demand that I come out to throw a bit of caution to my fellow Ghanaian “borgers”. The videos are about recent deaths that have occurred to two Ghanaian “borgers”, one female who returned home on a short visit from London (United Kingdom) and one male from the United States of America (USA). Both bodies are in the morgue as I speak.

From the information gathered, the female who was, or is, from Juaben in the Ashanti region, my maternal ancestral place of birth, attended the 50th-anniversary celebration of the enstoolment of Nana Otuo Serebour II as Juaben paramount chief. She took the opportunity to throw a party for the opening of her newly constructed house in Juaben while at the attendance of the anniversary.

Similar to the situation of the seeds of the womb of my own adorable but deceased mother, the woman who was said to have been born and lived in her father’s town somewhere in the Asante Akyem with her siblings, decided to relocate to her maternal place of birth, thus Juaben, after the passing of her father. Therefore, my dear sister, Penaman, as the deceased is said to be called, decided to demolish and reconstruct their nearly-dilapidated ancestral family house in Juaben. She did so out of her own volition, having had mercy upon the probably poor relatives living in the house, concluding from the state the house was found in and her wealth allowed.

Initially, she encountered opposition. The relatives were not enthused about demolishing the house but in the end, the house was demolished and a more beautiful one reconstructed in its place. The new house became possible due to the personal intervention by a more powerful and highly respected traditional chief in Juaben. The chief prevailed upon the relatives to accept the demolition of their old house and the construction of the new one.

She did not see the newly constructed house as her own but the relatives’ since it was the replacement for the demolished family house. She never sought to make it her own.

The long and short of the story is that the woman was found dead in her sleep the next morning after retiring to bed the previous night when the party came to an end.

Many are those that have the suspicion that she was poisoned at the party. I cannot agree or disagree with them since I don’t have any proof to confirm or refute their allegation or suspicion.

Sudden death comes upon a person in many ways and has many causes. Could it be a massive stroke? Could it be a cardiac arrest? Could be low blood sugar resulting in diabetic coma and finally sudden death? Could it be an unknown person poisoning your food or drink?

The actual cause of the death of my Juaben compatriot could only be determined or established by autopsy. However, most people are currently of the belief or opinion that she was poisoned, concluding from their previous knowledge of Ghanaian “burgers” being poisoned by their friends, relatives or enemies.

Again, there was this handsome, well-built Ghanaian young man from the USA. He returned to Ghana on holiday. He organized a get-together party for his friends and relatives. He died at the party.

When his body was being bundled into the body bag or cadaver pouch with his mouth and eyes wide open and the paramedic or ambulance personnel zipping up the bag, you will become teary.

It is believed he was poisoned. But who could have callously done that? A person dancing heartily a moment ago, was no more a few minutes later.

Yes, there are numerously known suspected instances where “burgers” had been attacked by armed robbers, killed or poisoned by the arrangements of their own friends or household members. What could be the reasons behind such heinous attacks on “burgers” by those very close to them, or by their enemies?

How I wish I could attach the videos on the above two deceased “burgers” to this publication. I declined to do so out of respect for them and their grieving families. However, I shall publish them one day, after the decedents have been buried and their families’ pain of their loss a bit abated or subsided.

To conclude, I shall advise fellow “burgers” to be very careful about where, how and when they eat or drink and with whom. Don’t trust anyone to cook for you or buy you food or drink. Prepare your own food if your wife, children, parents or God-fearing and fully trusted siblings are not around to prepare food for you.

Don’t shop very close to where you live to avoid arranging with such shoppers to poison you. Shop from outside your close vicinity. Buy your own water and drinks without sending anyone to get such edible items for you.

Watch the cups you drink from. Watch the spoons you eat with. Watch the bowls and plates you eat from. Watch how you eat and if you do that, no one can poison you!

My condolences to the bereaved families of these two individuals suspected to have been dispatched to their early graves by certain unknown malevolent persons for reasons only best known to the authors of their death.

“Due, due, due ne amanehunu” to the two deceased “borgers”.