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Opinions of Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Columnist: Abdul-Fatawu, Fuseini

With new plan for power (NPP), the north is ready for change

Since the election of the Paul Afoko led executives, the dynamics of politics in Northern Ghana have changed from propaganda based to issues based. The hitherto malicious lies and misleading facts that have been presented to our people have toned down significantly. People have now seen and known which party is truly northern and which one has been using northerners to achieve their own selfish and parochial interest.
Paul Afoko is not obviously going to be on the ballot come 2016 but his election has significantly changed peoples perception about the NPP being an anti-northern party. In my constituency in the Sissala East for instance, several NDC loyalists are thinking about throwing their NDC cards to join the true northern party, NPP. Members of the PNC who have been our allies for long are thinking of this time throwing their full weight behind not only our presidential candidate but our parliamentary candidate as well. This they say will even be easier for them if we maintain our candidates for the 2012 elections. Similar stories are being reported to me about the Sissala West, WA East, WA Central and Lambussie Constituencies. These are constituencies the NPP can confidently and easily take if elections were organized today. With 2016, these constituencies will really be Agbenaaaaaa………
It is essential to realize that it is this fear of the Paul Afoko led team that made Honourable Haruna Iddrisu to unsuccessfully calm the fear of NDC faithfuls who have already seen themselves in opposition come 2016. In fact him smelling of eight seats they can recapture is actually in the opposite direction because apart from the NPP strengthening their hold on what they already have, a lot of seats for the ruling NDC are shaking due to unfulfilled promises and unprecedented corruption. The chop chop at SADA have opened the eyes of our people to realize that you do not necessarily need a northern president before you can achieve your socio-economic goals. For some, it is better to have a total stranger that will clean their houses for them and give them food to eat as done to them by President Kuffour and the NPP than to allow their own brothers to steal their wealth and suck the little blood that is left in them as done by President Mahama and Asiedu Nketiah inspired executives.
I can sincerely understand the fears of Haruna Iddrisu and the NDC but it is too late for them. With true northerners in charge of affairs for a truly northern party, Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia can now sleep soundly and cruise comfortably to the Flagstaff House come January 7, 2017 In Sha Allah…..
Fuseini Abdul-Fatawu