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Opinions of Saturday, 29 November 2014

Columnist: Boasiako, Peter Antwi

World Class Supernatural Occurrences In Ghana!!

It Is Only In Ghana Where COCAINE Can Either Turn Into Sodium Bicarbonate Or A GOLD Dust Transporting From Ghana To UK Can Miraculously Transubstantiate Into COCAINE At The Destination!!

Not long ago, the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), with cocaine for exhibition, while in the custody of an Accra Circuit court, miraculously turned into baking powder (Sodium Bicarbonate) during the evidence exhibition.

This was described as strange, especially when the exhibits were sealed when sent to court, and overnight the sealed evidence metamorphosed into something else.

The drama unfolded at Accra Circuit Court when it came to light that a slab of cocaine in the custody of the Police Headquarters has turned into Sodium Bicarbonate, a baking powder.

Now, as a means to prepare the minds of Ghanaians to accept similar tricks, if possible, work out things to happen in the United Kingdom, the Ghanaian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madam Hanna Tetteh, quickly sent her Officers at the UK Ghana High Commission to visit the Austrian/Ghanaian lady who was arrested, and soon after the visit, the Minister came out telling Ghanaians that, the woman who was arrested in the UK with the cocaine thought she was rather carrying gold in her hand luggage.

How could a Foreign Minister of State openly play such tricks on Ghanaians?

How on earth could the Foreign Affairs Minister carry a message to Ghanaians that Ms Ametefeh has told her outfit that she entered into the plane carrying no luggage, and whilst on the plane, somebody who was a grand staff brought a bag to her; She said she doesn't know who asked the grand staff to send the bag to her in the plane; she also didn't ask the person who brought the bag any questions, she only received the bag; She also didn't know the person who was going to receive the bag when she arrives in London; but all that she knew was that somebody brought her a bag from nowhere; the owner of the bag knew her name and seat number and delivered it to her in the plane. Wow, Interesting, isn't it? This is like Kwaku-Ananse Story, nicely narrated.

An Honourable Minster of State in Ghana, carrying such senselessly concocted senseless message to Ghanaians without feeling any compunction. How on Earth?

With this attitude shown by John Mahama and his Officials, I can bet anyone that, the so-called 12 people arrested in Ghana, in connection with the West African Cocaine Cleopatra, Lady Nayeli Ametefe, would receive no punishment, whatsoever. The arrest of the 12 are just Camouflage to divert the attention of Ghanaians from this cocaine matter. Nothing, absolutely no punishment would be meted out to them. Any challenger?

Look, when the cocaine in the Police Headquarters turned into baking powder in Accra Circuit Court under this same NDC-Mahama gov't, the Circuit Court charged the IGP, Mr Paul Tawia Quey to investigate the incidence and punish the culprits. That was the end of that cocaine matter.

Today, the best way to cover up Corruption and Corrupt practices in Ghana, is the strategy which the President, John Mahama and the Judiciary have adopted, thus, to set up Presidential Commissions or Committees to investigate the matters. This is just the means to stop Ghanaians from publicly talk about the issues, playing on people's intelligence that, one cannot talk about issues in court or under investigations.

Just look at the GYEDA looting Presidential Commission, the Committee set up on Frequent Fire Outbreaks, the Judgement Debts looting Presidential Commission, the National Service Secretariat looting Presidential Commission, the Brazil World Cup looting Presidential Commission, etc.

These Committees and Presidential Commission are all just Camouflages, a means to divert attentions of Ghanaians and to silence people from talking about the pertinent issues, so that, John Dramani Mahama's overt corrupt and incompetent gov't can continue with their total mismanagement everywhere, and now, cocaine everywhere!!

Very sad! Very, very Sad!!