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Opinions of Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Columnist: James Nkatia-Kumi, Contributor

World Coronavirus crisis – a Public Policy lesson

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Public policy in simple language is a strategic decision of action by the government or a policy maker to make life of its people comfortable and safe in the political environment. Of course the policy must be within the framework of the institution or the country’s constitution.

When the virus attacked China in November 2019 the whole world set their policy mechanism rolling. The twenty-first century brought China to the limelight in the world economy. The world woke up one morning and Chinese cheap products have flooded the world market. In USA Dollar stores sprang everywhere with every product at the cost of one dollar. The western world was also flooded with cheap Chinese products in their market.

The Third world and developing countries saw cheap Chinese products as a means of enjoying some luxury however cheap and inferior the product may be. Businesses in developed countries also relocated to China and as a result by 2000 China dominance in business became the envy of developed countries especially the USA. Another Chinese policy that made her envious of the developed countries is her foreign policy of giving cheap infrastructure loans and financial aid to the developing countries especially in Africa.

Western TV stations in recent years before coronavirus continuously and jealousy portrayed China as a new Africa colonizer giving cheap infrastructure loans.

On the other hand African countries saw China as the new country that is willing to assist them in their infrastructure development. The western countries have been frustrated with Africa's corrupt leaders wasting financial support and assistance. The west is now wise and will no more waste their resources on corrupt African politicians. Africa countries therefore embraced China with a welcome hug, a new country that will provide ‘gold mines’ for their corrupt leaders.

It is under this socio-economic circumstance that the corona virus attacked China. The western world watched and applauded China’s ill-omen epidemic with jealous jubilation. The United States hitherto had been in trade war with China and they thought the China epidemic will crumble their economy, leading to US economic victory. Other western countries also watched unconcern and applauded silently for the coronavirus attack. China was left on her own predicament. Ghanaian has a proverb which literally says “I won’t assault you but if someone else is doing it to you, I won’t come to your aid’.

The world embarked on the policy of silent observer, like US policy at the beginning of the Second World War in 1945. Corona virus was labeled ‘Chinese disease.’ Italy sent planes to transport their citizens from China so that they won’t get the Chinese virus. Ghanaian opposition insisted on going for our citizens so that they won’t get the China virus. Thank God Ghana did not do that.

Hatred may blind individuals so much so that they refuse to see the opponent’s beauty or the danger involving the opponent that may affect them also. The world’s hatred for China made us forget that the world is a small village.

Yes, confronting a Chinese, one will observe obnoxious behavior of rudeness, exploitation, insensitivity and many many negative behaviors yet we should not forget that they live in the whole wide village called the world with us.

Developed world watched China predicament with contempt. We refused to be involved with the study of the disease model and behavior. There wasn’t any restriction of Chinese movement to countries until the Italian predicament that became an eye opener to the world that the virus may be highly contagious. Even the US president refused to accept the idea that the virus will enter his country.

Even when it became known that the virus is highly infectious various countries refused to embark on public policy strategies to contain the disease. Finally the policy complex various countries embarked on was influenced by business collapse and employment of the citizens.

A public health crisis policy affecting the whole populace is unheard of in the modern socio-economic world history. The dilemma of the policy makers was to embark on the ‘better of the many evils’ policy. The action that has less economic and social impact has to be considered. Another policy strategy Coronavirus taught the world is what I will call ‘policy of no delay.’

Ghana's delay to allow a few airlines land caused us a few travelers bringing in the virus.

The USA delayed to restrict traveling into the country and now is a leader in the disease outbreak. British were more liberal to resist the virus and now high government officials have tested positive.

Public policy decisions are not foolproof and the corona virus has taught us so. The ‘better of the evils’ also gives room for public criticism and in a country like Ghana where opposition to the Government policy is a whole profession by some politicians, press houses, civil societies, Makola and Kejetia market critics, drinking spot lectures, unions, men of God and almost everybody, the government must make policy decision fast and without consensus which he would never get.

Italy's president is weeping publicly because a public policy decision that he took has perished many of his citizens. British policy of wait and see has caused the leadership testing positive to the virus. US president's silent wait and see policy has caused the country now the virus leadership of the world.

A public policy decision in crisis situation must consider the following principles;

Focus and consistency:

Ghana policy makers must remain focused and make decisions in the interest of the citizens and must be enforced without fear. A lockdown policy must be implemented under such a situation. Public opposition will be an obstacle but the president was voted to make such a complex policy.

Policy without consensus;

Waiting for consensus in democratic world may be a disaster. Chinese were able to control the situation faster because the dictatorial government did not need consensus. In democratic world policy of consultation without consensus may be used. A situation of the ‘end justify the mean’ may be used.

If policy without consensus turns out to be a disaster the policy leader must prepare to resign. It is a policy of gamble and a good politician must prepare to face it.

Frequent Information Flow:

This is what the Ghana government has done far better than many countries, especially the USA. The crisis situation is not a time for social media release as the US president does. The presence of policy makers on radio, TV. and social media gives the public a feeling of consultation. Even if the policy turns bad the public will be more sympathetic if a major decision maker appears public frequently. Italian President may win public sympathy with a public show of failure and even weeping in public. Ghana’s President Akuffo Addo's frequent TV update creates positive psychological bonding with the public. The public feels he is on top of the situation.

In conclusion, a public policy leader who is faced with the crisis of Coronavirus dimension with human life at stake needs to make decisions even if it causes his political career. The decision must be human centered not political. After all he was voted to make such effective socio-economic policy decisions.